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The North Star

sovereign of all Norway. In memory of this great event the kings of Norway were ever afterwards crowned at Drontheim, for the Tronders of the Trondelag ever afterwards claimed the right to have the sovereign’s coronation take place in their province.

Nidaros became the royal city, and here King Olaf built his palace and made his home.

To men so recently removed from the winter of the tent, and the summer of the sea, even the modest stone structure that stood in lieu of later and more impressive palaces, was a distinct advancement.

So Olaf’s return was a complete triumph. The earl-folk found so strong a sentiment in the hearts of the people for the true king, that, knowing the fearless, outspoken character of the Norsemen, they dared not carry their opposition beyond words. So the very men who had planned to murder his father, and driven his mother into exile, and hunted him down in his boyhood, now at the united voice of Norway, rose up to bid him welcome.

After his coronation many plans filled Olaf’s mind for the bettering of his kingdom. Chief among these was to keep out the troublesome Danes, and to bring his own people within sight of the love of the White Christ. His great zeal made him impatient. Forgetting the lessons of gentleness which he had learned in Ireland, in the traditions of the Apostle of that island, who had so lovingly won the Celts from their old faith, Olaf’s strong desire to bring his people to