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The North Star

Olaf hath come into his kingdom she is quite content to say her prayers and visit the poor. Oh, yes! there is another matter that doth hold her now. A true Christian wife for the king. I am seeking my lost power. I have had letters and messages from Sweyn of Denmark concerning the discontent in Norway; and he hath given me his word, that if I help him to prevail against Olaf, there will be for me full gold and great authority. Thou, too, Thore, will be then far higher than Olaf would ever place thee.”

“Of a surety, Thane Sigvalde, will I join with thee; for if Olaf ever had a mind to lift me in his kingdom, the suspicions of the women, the warning of the priest, and the hate of that twanger of harp-strings, Thorgills, who always looks his doubt of me, would surely stay the king.”

“I must tell thee, too, Thore, that yesterday I spoke with Jarl Ironbeard, he that seemed so strong in power, and so near the throne, when Olaf came. Jarl Ironbeard doth hate Olaf, and he will join us out of revenge. Ironbeard is still strong among the heathens, whose leader he is, and they know him for a stout fighter.”

Then Thore laughed heartily, as if some merry fancy pleased him. “Thou surely hast a great wit, my Thane, for now I do remember that there is gossip among the women of Olaf seeking Ironbeard’s daughter in marriage. That would be the surest pit to dig for his feet. With Ironbeard’s hate and the