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The North Star

down the stick upon the gilded war-god, and the effigy of Thor shivered into many fragments, that fell glittering on the floor. At the same moment his followers struck down the other statues, and the floor of the temple was strewn with the ruins of the broken idols.

The cries of the peasants rose in anger. “Down with the Christian king, who profanes the temple of his father’s gods!” The shouts and the curses were followed by the sharp smiting of steel, as the knives were unsheathed. King Olaf stood unmoved at the temple door. Upon his finger he wore one of Thor’s richest golden rings. Ironbeard had shouted to his followers to come on and avenge the insult to their gods with the death of the king who had profaned the temple. A shrill voice was heard as Ingrid came up to the king and raised her long lean arm and bony fingers in malediction.

“Ye cravens! Ye coward Norsemen! Must the gods curse us and our children because ye are afraid of yon king? He is false, false to the gods, and he will be false to his people!”

“We are not afraid of any man. Let Olaf Tryggevesson beware!” shouted back the peasants.

The king stood quite still, watching the anger of the peasants and the defiance of Earl Ironbeard. Thorgills came up to the black thane, and would fain argue with him, but Ironbeard turned to him fiercely. “Thou hast put this king over us to make