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The North Star

said the old earl, “and I believe thou wilt be a faithful lord to this little maid when I am gone.”

Thorgills raised the crucifix upon his breast to his lips. “Christ helping me,” he said impressively, “I will be her faithful lord.” No other word he said, although his heart was full and words rushed to his lips. Fiachtna took Maidoch’s hand, and placed it in the hand of Thorgills. “I leave thee, my beloved,” the father’s voice said in tenderest accents, “to the mercy of Christ, the protection of the Holy Virgin, and in the care of thy faithful Christian lord.”

Maidoch gazed silently at her father. Her hand rested unresisting in Thorgills’ grasp, but she had eyes only for the dying man, thought only of obedience to his wish, and will only to follow his last command. After a pause Fiachtna said: “Now, my daughter, thou art betrothed to this true, Christian lord, and after I am laid at rest, thou wilt be plighted to him for life by Holy Mother Church. So I die in peace, since thou wilt be secure in his protecting care.”

Lady Aastrid was weeping softly, and feeling a deep sympathy in her kind heart for the betrothed, for Thorgills, in his earnest, unspoken love, and for Maidoch in her absorbing grief. She drew the girl to her arms and nodded a gracious dismissal to the scald. He stooped and kissed Maidoch’s hand, and softly left the room. Straight to the king must he go with the tidings of his betrothal.