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The North Star

exiled queen. I have fled from my own land and from my enemies to seek shelter in thy kingdom.”

“And who art thou, unhappy lady?” asked Olaf, in a voice softened by pity at her distress. “Of a surety will I give thee every aid in my power.”

“I am Thyra, the sister of King Sweyn of Denmark. He hath wedded the Swedish widow, Queen Sigrid the Haughty, who doth hate thee so strongly. King Olaf, Sweyn and Sigrid hold constant thought of how they may harm thee, for Sigrid hath given her hate of thee to my brother. O King Olaf! he is a cruel, wicked brother. He would force me against my will to wed the wild heathen, King Burislav of Wendland, whose daughter Geira was thy wife, in thy youth. I was all unwillingly betrothed to Burislav. When I fled from my home and a lover I hated, my brother Sweyn did take from me all my estates in Wendland and in Denmark. So I come to thee, brave king, homeless, persecuted and penniless.”

“Nay! nay! Queen Thyra, no gentlewoman is homeless in my kingdom; and none would dare persecute thee while I can grasp a sword. The gold should perish in my coffers, if a queen were without their aid. When thou and thy thrall maiden have had some refreshment, I will send thee an escort to the home of my kinswoman, the Lady Aastrid, and upon the morrow I will hold council with thee as to thy unhappy plight.”

As Thyra and her maid were leaving the room,