Page:The Northern Ḥeǧâz (1926).djvu/351

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Only such works as are referred to in this volume are listed in the bibliography.

Different works by the same ancient or Arabic author are listed together in the same entry and are indicated by Roman numerals. Different works by the same modern author are listed separately.

Of the various names of each Arabic author, the one most frequently used is printed first. Where this has necessitated a transposition of the proper order of the names, the transposition is indicated by a comma (thus: Al-Bekri, Abu ʻObejd ʻAbdallâh ibn ʻAbdalʻazîz instead of Abu ʻObejd ʻAbdallâh ibn ʻAbdalʻazîz al-Bekri).

All dates are A.D. except where otherwise indicated.

ʻAbdalṛani an-Nâbulusi (1641—1731, wrote 1698). Al-ḥaḳîḳa wa-l-maǧâz fi riḥlat bilâd aš-Šâm wa Miṣr wa-l-Ḥiǧâz: MS, Codex Vindobonensis, No. 1269 (Mxt. 712), National-Bibliothek, Vienna.

Abu-l-Faḍâ’il Ṣafiaddîn ʻAbdalmu’min ibn ʻAbdalḥaḳḳ (d. 1338). Marâṣid al-iṭṭilâʻ ʻala’ asma’ al-amkina wa-l-biḳâʻ: edited by T. G. J. Juynboll, 6 vols., Leiden, 1850—1864.

Abu-l-Faraǧ ʻAli al-Iṣfahâni (d. 967). Kitâb al-aṛâni: 20 vols., Bûlâḳ, 1285 A. H. (1868—1869 A. D.); R. E. Brünnow, editor, The Twenty-First Volume of the Kitab al-Aghani, Leiden, 1888; Tables alphabétiques, edited by I. Guidi, 2 vols., Leiden, 1895—1900.

Abu-l-Feda’ Ismâʻîl ibn ʻAli ibn Maḥmûd ibn ʻOmar ibn Šâhanšâh ibn Ajjûb ʻImâdaddîn al-Ajjûbi (1273—1331). I. Muḫtaṣar ta’riḫ al-bašar: edition by J. G. Chr. Adler entitled Annales Muslemici, arabice et latine, opere Jo. Jac. Reiskii sumtibus Pet. Fr. Suhmii, 5 vols., Hafniae (Copenhagen), 1789—1794. II. Taḳwîm al-buldân: edition by J. T. Reinaud and W. MacGuckin de Slane entitled Géographie dʻAboulféda, Paris, 1840.

Abu Šâma, Šihâbaddîn Abu-l-Ḳâsim ‘Abdarraḥmân ibn Ismâ‘îl (1203–1268). Kitâb ar-rawḍatejn fi aḫbâr ad-dawlatejn: al-Ḳâhira (Cairo), 1287–1288 A. H. (1869—1872 A. D): also edited and translated by Ch. A. C. Barbier de Meynard in Recueil des historiens des croisades, Historiens orientaux, Vols. 4 and 5, Paris, 1898, 1906.

Agatharchides of Cnidus (2nd century B.C.). Periplus or De mari erythraeo: excerpts from Greek text as quoted by Photius and by Diodorus with Latin translation in: Carolus Miillerus (Miiller), Geographi graeci minores, Vol. 1, Paris, 1882, pp. 110—195.

Ahlwardt, W. The Divans of the Six Ancient Arabic Poets . . ., London, 1870.

Amiatinus, Codex. See Biblia sacra.

Assemanus, J. S. Bibliotheca orientalis, 4 vols., Rome, 1719—1728.

Al-Bekri, Abu ‘Obejd Abdallâh ibn ‘Abdal‘azîz (d. 1094). Mu‘gam mâ ista‘ǧama: edition by Ferdinand Wüstenfeld entitled Das geographische Wörterbuch des . . . el Bekri, 2 vols., Göttingen, 1876—1877.

Al-Bekri al Miṣri, Šamsaddîn abu ‘Abdallâh Muḥammad ibn Abi-s-Surûr aṣ-Ṣiddîḳi (d. 1619). At-tuḥfat al-bahijje fi tamalluk al ‘Otmân addijâr al-miṣrijje: MS, Codex Vindobonensis, No. 925 (A. F. 283 [457]), National-Bibliothek, Vienna.

Al-Belâḏori, Aḥmad ibn Jaḥja’ ibn Ǧabir (d. 892). Kitâb futûḥ al-buldân: edition by M. J. De Goeje entitled Liber expugnationis regionum, auctore. . . . al-Beládsorí, Lugduni Batavorum (Leiden), 1866.