Page:The Northern Ḥeǧâz (1926).djvu/63

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aṯ-Ṯelâǧe. Al-Ḫerîm rises between al-Barra, al-Abraḳ, and Ǧilf al-Mnejšîr; near it and in the eastern part of the Ramm range are situated the wells of al-ʻÂǧelîn, Abu Rmejle, aṣ-Ṣbâḫ, al-Ḳwejse, and al-Mṛejra. An-Nâsfe begins south of al-Msaṭṭara on the southern foot of the low table-shaped rocks of Ḏerâʻ umm Swâde and Haẓb as-Sâferîn
Fig. 11—Plan of Roman watchtower, al-Batra.
and joins al-Ḫerîm southwest of the brown, cone-shaped peaks of ʻAṭra and ʻEmûd and south of the huge broken summit of al-Ḥṣâni. Aṯ-Ṯelâǧe proceeds from the ruins of the same name on the western edge of the aš-Šera’ range. It separates the rocks of al-Meʻzânijje from al-Ǧill; al-ʻEmejjed from Haẓb as-Sâferîn, near which flows the spring of al-Ṛorr; the peak of ʻErḳa from Salaḳa; Abu Ḥalḳûm from Hẓejb ar-Ruḥbi; al-Mḫarûḳ and al-Ḥmejẓa from Haẓbat ar-Ratama; and, joining with al-Ḫerîm west of al-Ḥṣâni between the cones of Aḥejmer and Umm Ḥaṣa, forms Bṭajjeḥât.