Page:The Olive Its Culture in Theory and Practice.djvu/104

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From the cut, new and numerous roots will spring, and for this reason the top of the plant should be thinned out, in order to maintain the equilibrium between the parts above and below ground. The pruning should be from the year old branches or two years old at most. The topping of the trees is proper in two cases only.

First: When the root system, not having been properly protected, has been robbed in great part of the capillaries, which are intended for its nourishment from the soil.

Second: When the plants have been crowded in the nursery, and have long slender trunks, and are likely to be exposed to high winds.

In transporting the tree without sod about the roots, which is the custom where any distance is involved, it is necessary to top the tree to offset the loss suffered by the roots.

"A tree topped,
Is a tree insured."