Page:The Olive Its Culture in Theory and Practice.djvu/24

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"The domestic olive represents the artificial type obtained by means of art."

The species of the olive known to exist and the localities where found are as follows:

Olea apetala, New Zealand.
Oceanica. " paniculata, Australia.
" Europea, "
Olea floribunda, South America.
America. " Americana; Fla., Ga., Carolina, Va.
" Europea; Chili, Peru, Mexico, Cal., La., Miss., Fla., Arizona, New Mexico.
Olea crysophylla, Abyssinia.
" laurifolia, "
" verrucosa, Cape of Good Hope.
" verr. (brachybotris) "
" capensis, "
Africa. " foveolata, "
" concolor, "
" exasperata "
" humilis, "
" obtusifolia, Madagascar.
" lancea, Mauritius.
" Europea; Egypt, Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, Morocco, Canaries.
Olea, pauciflora, Penang.
" maritima, Islands, Strait of Malacca.
" microcarpa, Cochin, China.
Asia. " attenuata, Burmah.
" dentata, "
" Lindleyi, Bengal.
" fragrans, China and Japan.