Page:The Opinions of Different Authors Upon the Punishment of Death.djvu/17

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"Men have entered into a desire of learniog and knowM^^ mm»tttaita open a natural curiosity and inquisitive appetite : Bometimes to entertain their mindc. v^ith variety and delight : sometimes for ornament and reputation : and some* times to enable them to victoiy of wit and contradiction: and most times for lucre aind profession : but seldom smcerdy to give a tru« accoilnt of theilr gift 6f teason for the benefit and use of man i— aft tf thfer^ tirere sought in knowledge a 'Couch, whereupon to rest a searching and restless spirit: ^r a terrace for .1^ wandering and variable mind to walk up and down vnth a fair prospect : or a tower of state for a proud mind to raise itself upon: or a fort or commanding ground for strife ahd Contenfibn : or a shop ibt profit and sale : and not a lick Atort4ida8e fott- the glory df the Ci^tor, and the Mllef of manli etM^"