Page:The Oriental Biographical Dictionary.djvu/165

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Khwaja 153 Khwaja Khwaja HasMm Kaslimin, tyi^ author of a Persian work, entitled, " Zutdat-ul-Mukamat," containing the (pretended) miracles of Ahmad Sarhindi, a Muhammadan saint, and others. Khwaja Husain Marwi, i£yy° ly^;-^ *=^L>'^J a na- tive of Marv in Persia, was an excellent poet. He flourish- ed in the time of the emperor Akbar, and wrote chrono- grams at the birth of Sultan Shah Murad, second son of the emperor, who was horn in the year 1570 A. D., 978 A. H. Ho put the "Singhasan Battisi" into Persian verse, hut did not complete it. He is the author of a Diwan, Khwaja Husain Sanai, c5'*'f^'* ^^L?'^? of Mashhad. He and his father were proteges of Sultan Ibrahim Mirza. Pie flourished about the beginning of the 11th century of the Hijra, left Kasidas and a Mas- nawi called "Sadde Sikandar." Khwaja Husain Sanai, iS^ {^'r^ *e-L>^, a Per- sian poet, and son of Ghayas-uddm Muhammad. He came to India in the time of Akbar, died in 1688 A. D., 996 A. H., and left a thick Diwan. Khwaja Ibrahim Husain, ^-*lr^t *^L>^j vide Ibrahim Husain (Khwaja). Khwaja 'Imad, <i^** vide 'Imad Fakih. Khwaja Imami, ^s^^S author of a story in Persian, entitled, " Mali Dohafta." He was a cotempora- ry of Mirza Katil. Khwaja Jahan, ll>^^ *^L>'^i original name of Malik Sarwar, fo under of the race of the kings of the East, or Sharki dynasty of Jaunpdr. The difi'erent rulers who have governed in the provinces of Jaunpur and Antarbed (territories south of Dehli lying between the rivers Jamna and Ganges) are styled by historians the Sharki kings. It appears from the Tawarikh Mubarik Shahi, that Sultan Muhammad Shah, son of Fii-oz Shah Tughlak, king of Dehli, created one of his eunuchs, named Malik Sarwar, his prime-minister, and honoured him with the title of Khwaja Jahan ; that upon the death of Muhammad Shah, and on the accession of his son Sultan Mahmiid Shah Tughlak, a boy of ten years of age, in 1394 A. D., 796 A. H., he was appointed governor of the Eastern provin- ces of the empire, viz., Kanauj, Audh, Kara and Jaun- pur, the latter of which he made the seat of his govern- ment. The reign of Mahmud Shah was interrupted by serious internal commotions ; and Khwaja Jahan taking advantage of these circumstances, and perceiving the weakness of the government arising out of the king's minority, assumed the title of Malik-ush-Shark (King of the East), founded an independent kingdom at Jaunpur, and died in the year 1400 A. D., 802 A. H., after a short reign of six years. He was succeeded by his adopted son Malik Wasil or Karanfal, who assumed the title of Mu- barik Shah Sharki' and died in 1402 A. D., 804 A. H. After his death his brother Ibrahim Shah Sharki suc- ceeded him, and died about the year 1441 A. D., 845 A. H., after a reign of more than forty years. He was succeeded by Sultan Mahmud Shah Sharkf, who died in 1452 A. D., 856 A. H., and left the kingdom to his son Muhammad Shah, who was killed in battle about the year 1458 A. D., 861 or 862 A. H., when Husain Shah, his brother, succeeded him. Ho had several battles with Bahlol Lodi, king of Dehlf, and was at last obliged to seek refuse in the court of Sultan 'Ala-uddin, king of Bengal, where lie died in 1499 A. D., 905 A. H. 39 Khwaja Jahan, tU^^^ *^L>^^ an Amir of 5000, who died in the time of Jahangir, in the year 1619 A. D., 1029 A. H., at Lahor. Khwaja Jahan, *^L>^j ^'^^^^ Mahmud Gawan. Khwaja Kamgar, t'iWe Ghairat Khan. Khwaja Kirmani, t^^'-^r^ '^^h^i an excellent Persian poet of liirmania, surnamed Malik-ul-Fuzla, or king of the learned. He assumed for his poetical title Khwaja and Khwaju ; was cotemporary with Sa'di of Shiraz and a disciple of Shaikh 'Ala-uddin Samnani whom he outlived, and died some years after 1345 A. D., 746 A. H., for he completed his " Gauhar-nama"' in that year. He has written about 20,000 verses, and one of his poetical compositions is called " Humae Humayun." Mir or Amir Kirmani, and Ahmad Kirmani, were also two Persian poets. Tide Kirmani. Khwaja Mansur Karabuka, ^y^^-'O ^f^, a poet of Tus who flourished in the reign of Shahrukh Mirza, and was employed by the Prince 'Ala- ud-daula. He died 1450 A. D., 854 A. H. Khwaja Mansur Shirazi, t^ii;^:-" j^-^i^ '*=M^=', also called Shah Mansur, an excellent accountant who served under the emperor Akbar in the capacity of Diwan, and afterwards as his wuzir for four years. He was falsely accused of embezzlement by Eaja Todarmal, Birbal and others on account of his being too strict with them, and was imprisoned and afterwards impaled on the 27th Feb- ruary, 1581 A. D., 23rd Muharram, 989 A. H., on a sup- position that he had been carrying on a correspondence with Mirza Muhammad Hakfm (half brother of Akbar), who had at that time invested Lahor. Khwaja Masa'ud, of Bak, vide Masa'ud (Khwaja). Khwaja Masa'ud, ^^b^, a poet who died in the year 1131 A. D., 525 A. H., and left tkree thick Diwans, one in the Persian, one in the Arabic, and one in the Hindustani language of that day. He is the earliest Musalman poet who wrote in Hindustani of whom we have any account. Khwaja Masa'ud, ^>*«"« a poet of an illustrious family of Kun, and one of the most celebrated writers of Masnawfs in the last cycle of the Persian poets. He chose the admired subject of Yusuf and Zalekha for one of his poems. He was called to Hirat, in the time of the Sultan Husain Mirza, to celebrate the events of his reign in verse, and appears to have devoted himself to the task in rather a laborious manner, for he wrote 12,000 lines of a poem on the subject dictated ; and would, no doubt, have added as many more, had not death put an end to his enthusiasm. He was the author of many admired poems ; among others, " A Dispute between the Sun and the Moon," and " Between the Pen and the Sword." He flourished about the year 1480 A. D., 885 A. H. Khwaja Mua'zzam, j-^* *^Lj^, a man of a very mischievous character, was the brother of Hamfda Bano Begam, and husband of Bibi Fatima, the emperor Akbar Shah's aunt. He was banished the kingdom several times for improper behaviour, but he soon retiu-ned ; and when in the year 1564 A. D., 973 A. H., he killed his wife, he was thrown into prison, whore, by the com- mand of the emperor, he was murdered in 1565 A. D, Khwaja Muhammad Asim, •i'^s^ ^b'^, vide Khan Daurau.