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Malik 168 Malik Malik 'Imad, a poet who was a cotemporary of Imam Muhammad Ghazzali. Malik, Imam, lT-*' l^^' '^•'^ f*^' Imam Malik or Malik Ibn-Anas. Malik JaMr, J^^^ <^aj^ also called Nath Bhanjan. In the well-known town of Mhow in Azimgarh, there is a place which obtains the distinguished title of " Nath Bhanjan" fi-om the great exploits of a saint called Malik Jahir who ejected the evil genius Deo Nath, together with the original Hindus, and colonized the place with Muhanunadans. The story is thus related : Duiing the reign of Jahangi'r, king of Dehli, about 1609 A. D., one Abhiman Singh, a Rajput of the Jatran tribe, having separated from his brethren, owing to the inadequacj' of the share allotted to him in his hereditary possessions, took service under that monarch, and on his having em- braced the religion of Muhammad, Jahangir granted to him the whole Zamindari of Azimgarh, under the title of Raja Abhiman Singh 'AH Muhammad Nazir-uddaula Khan. From that period up to the time the Nawab of Audh resumed the grant, the Muhammadans had the supremacy over the Hindus, hut in 1801 A. D., when the district was ceded to the British, the Hindus taking courage came and resided there ; since then there have always been feuds between the parties. Malik Kummi, MuUa, '^•^ a native of Kumm in Persia. He was an excellent poet, and came to the Dakhin in the year 1579 A. D., 987 A. H. He was at first employed by Murtaza Nizam Shah, and then by Burhan Nizam Shah, kings of Ahmadnagar. Subsequent- ly he went to Bijapur where he was much respected, and the highest honours conferred on him by the king of that place Ibrahim 'Adil Shah II. He gave his daughter in marriage to Mulla Zahuri a celebrated poet of that court. Mulla Malik died in 1616 A. D., 1025 A. H., and Zahuri one year after him. He was called Malik ul- Kalam or the king of poetry. He is the author of a Diwan and several Masnawis. Malik Mansur Muhammad-bin-'Usman, ^Wxsi ^) jj-^^*, third Sultan ofEgypt of the race of Ayyub, succeeded his father in November, 1198 A. D., and died in 1200 A. D., when Malik 'AdQ Saif-uddin the son of Ayyiib succeeded him and reigned 18 years. Malik Mansur, j^r^* eU^^ ^i^g Nur-uddfn 'Alf. Malik Moizz-uddin, Eaibak, i:^.<^h <SU ^jj^ ^ Turkoman slave of the Ayyubite dynasty who married the Q,ueen Malika Shajrat ul-Dar, the last of the Ayyubite family and reigned in Egypt. He began his reign in 1250 A. D., 655 A. H., and was murdered in 1257 A. D., 655 A. H. His descendants ruled the country for nearly a hundred years. Zist of the Sultans or Mamlulcs who reigned in Egypt and Hamath in Syria, after the Sultans of the Ayyubite family. A. D. A. H. Malik Moizz Azz-uddm Eaibak Turkman! Si5 hahi began to reign, 1250 648 „ Mansur Nur-uddi'n 'AH bin-Moizz (imprisoned by Muzaifar, 655 Muzatfur Kut uz-Moizzi (11 months), 657 Tiihir Rukn-uddin 658 Sa'id Muhammad Nasir-uddm, .... 676 'Adil Badr-uddin (4 months), 678 Mansur Abul Ma' all Kaladun Salahi, 678 A. H. Malik Ashraf Salah-uddin Khalil, 689 „ Nasir Muhammad bin-Kaladun (reigned 44 years), 693 „ 'Adil Kutbagha Mansuri, „ Mansiir Hisam-uddin, reigned 2 years died 698 A. D., „ Muzaffar Rukn-uddin, reigned 10th died 709 A. D., „ Mansur Abu Bakr (2 months), ,, Ashraf Kuchak (8 months, ,, Nasir Ahmad, died 745 A. D., „ Salah Ismail 'Abii'l Fida, the author of an abridgement of Universal History down to his time. He succeeded his brother Nasir Ah- mad in 1344 A. D., 745 A. H. In process of time, the old Mamlooks grew proud, insolent and lazy : and the Borgites, a new Militia and slaves of the old Mamlooks, taking advantage of this, rose upon their masters, deprived them of the government and transferred it to themselves about the year 1382 A. D, The Borgites also assumed the name of Mamlooks ; and were famous for their valour and ferocity. Their dominion lasted till the year 1517, when they were in- vaded by Sah'm I the Turkish Sultan, who defeated them, took possession of their country, and beheaded Tuman Bey the last of the Borgites with 30,000 prisoners. Malik Muhammad Jaesi, ts~*-'^ ix+sr* lEil/o^ ^ p^g^ who was a native of Jaes and the author of the story of Padmawat in Hindi verse. He lived in the time of the emperor Jahangir. Malik Nasir Khan Paruki, j'» iJ^^^ jt-^ t^XLc^ son of Malik Raja, after whose death in April, 1399 A. D. 801 A. H., he also like his father assumed the ensio-ns of royalty at Khandesh, and buUt Burhanpur. Learned men were invited from all parts, and literature was much promoted. He seized the fort of Asfr from 'Asa Ahir reigned 40 lunar years, and died on the 21st September' 1437 A. D., 20th Rabf I, 841 A. H. He was buried in the family vault at Talner by the side of his father, and was succeeded by his son Mi'ran 'Adil Faruki. Malik Eaja Faruki, ij^jj^' *r-tj i^-L-j. The first per- son who assumed independence in the province of Khan- desh was Malik Raja, the son of Khan Jahan Faruki' whose ancestors were among the most respectable nobles at the Dehlf court, in the reigns of Ala-uddin Khilji and Muhammad Tuglilak. At the death of his father he was very young, and inherited only a small patrimony About the year 1370 A. D., 772 A. H., he was appointed governor of Khandesh by Firoz Shah Tughlak, and the jagir of Talner conferred on him. After the death of that prince when DUawar Khan Ghorf assumed inde- ■ pendence m Malwa, an intimate connection took place between the latter and Malik Raja, so much so, that Dilawar Khan gave his daughter in marriage to Malik Nasir the son of Malik Raja. He reigned 29 lunar years and died on the 28th April, 1399 A. D., 22nd Shaban, 801 A. H. He was buried at the town of Talner and was succeeded by his son Malik Nasir Khan. ' The following are the names of the kings of Khmidesh. 1. Malik Raja. 7. 'Adil Khan II ('Azim Hu- 2. Malik Nasir Khan. mayun 'Alam Khan). 3. Miran 'Adil Khan. 8. Miran Muhammad Shah. 4. Miran Mubarik. 9. Miran Slubarik II. 5. 'Adil Khan I or 10. Miian Muhammad. 'AH Shah. 11. Raja 'AH Khan. 6. Baud Khan. 12. Bahadur Shah. Malik Sarwar, Jir« ^^'o, vide Khwaja Jahan.