Page:The Oriental Biographical Dictionary.djvu/192

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Mtiswi 180 Mubarik Muswi Khan, LS_>*^^, an amir of high rant in the time of the emperor 'Alamgir. His proper name was Mirza Moi'zz or Moi'zz-uddm Muhammad, a descendant of Imam Musi Eaza. He was a good poet, and had at first assumed Fitrat for his poetical name, but afterwards changed it to Muswi, to which the title of Khan was added by the emperor. He died in the Dakhin in 1690 A. D., 1101 A. H., aged 51 years. Vide Fitrat. His jagir at Agrah extended from the Kacheri ghat to the Dargah of Sayyad near the Eajghat. The ground con- tained nearly 300 bighas. Mo'takid Khan, eJ^^ <^«a*^, son of Iftikhar Khan, an oflBcer of the rank of 4000 in the time of the emperor Shah Jahan. He died on the 17th of October, 1651 0. S., 12th Zi-Ka'da, 1061 A. H., at Jaunpur, of which place he was then governor. Mo'takid-uddaula, <*.o^ ^j^g ^.jtlg jj.^^ Khan, the brother of U'dham Bai', the mother of the em. peror Ahmad Shah of Dehli on whose accession to the thi-one in 1748 A. D., 1161 A. H., he was raised to the rank of 6,000 with the above title. Mo'tamid Billah, ^'^^k 'X*^;**, vide Al-Mo'tamid Billah. Mo'tamid Khan, <^l*^, a nobleman of the reign of the emperor Jahangi'r, who wrote the second part (the first part was written by Jahangi'r himself) of the " Ikbal- nama Jahangm," a Memoir of that monarch from his accession to the throne in 1605 A. D., 1014 A. H. After the death of Mi'r Jumla 1637 A. D., 1047 A. H., he was appointed Mir Bakhshi' by Shah Jahan. He died 1639 A. D., 1049 A. H., vide Muhammad Hadi. There is an old Masjid still standing in the city of Agrah supposed to be erected by him. Mo'tamid Khan, <i^i*A5^ a nobleman, who Kved in the time of the emperor 'Alamgir and built the Masjid of Gwaliar in the year 1661 A. D., 1072 A. H., which is at the present time in perfect good order. Mo'tamid-uddaula Bahadur Sardar Jang, U'y^ j^l^ &Jj^Jl cy^i^^^ He ^as Diwan to Salabat Jang of Haidarabad, and died in 1774 A. D., 1188 A. H. Mo'tarazzi, C£>^*'°, surname of Nasr bin-' Abdus Sa'id, also named Burhan-uddi'n bin-'Abdul Mukarim. He was one of the most illustrious Arabian grammarians. He died 1213 A. D., 610 A. H. Mo'tasim Billah, (♦'^**, khalif of Baghdad, vide Al-Mo'tasim Billah. Mo'tazid Billah, *Ub c^^ajuo^ ^^-^^^i^^ Baghdad, vide Al-Mo'tazid Billah. Moti Eegam, f*^i^ J^^'O, one of the wives of the emperor Shah Jahan ; who built a garden called Moti Bagh on the banks of the Jamna near the Eajghat at Agrah ; no traces of it are to be seen now, but the ground on which it was buUt IS stiU called Moti Bagh, and some of its land IS under cultivation. Mu'ajiz, J^'**, poetical title of Muhammad Nizam Khan, an Afghan who was an author and died at Dehli' in 1749 A. D., 1162 A. H. Mu'awia I, ^i,!*^^ the son of Abu Suffan, the son of Harb, and general of the khali'fs 'Umar and TTsman. After avenging his master's (Osman's) death, he seized his kingdom 644 A. D., and became the first khalif of the race of Umaj'ya or Ommiades. He took Ehodes and after destroying the Colossus, he attacked Sicily, and carried devastation to the gates of Constantinople. After beseiging in vain the capital for seven years, he purchased peace by an annual tribute. During this seige, the Greek fire is said to have been invented. He died on the 7th of April, 680 A. D., New Moon of Eajab, 60 A. H., after having reigned from Hasan's resignation, 19 lunar years 3 months and 27 days, and was buried at Damascus his capital, which was made the residence of the khalifs as long as the house of U"mayya continued on the throne. Mu'awia had embraced the Muhammadan religion at the same time with his father, which was in the year of the victory. Muhammad made him his secretary, and 'Umar gave him the lieutenancy of Syria, which he held during four years of that khali'fs life. 'Usman continued him in that post during the whole space of his reign, which was about 12 years. Four years more he kept Syria in his own hands by force, whilst he held out against 'Alf. Taking altogether, therefore, he had held possession of Syria, either as governor or khalif, for nearly 40 years. There are different reports about his age ; some say 70 years and others 75. He was succeeded by his son Yezid I. Khalifs of the house of JJmayya who reigned, at Damascus. Mu'awia I. Yezid I. Mu"awia II. Marwan I. 'Abdul Mahk. Walid I. Sulaiman. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 8. 'Umar, son of 'Abdul Aziz. Yezi'd II. Hasham. Wali'd, son of Yezid II. Yezid III. Ibrahim, son of Walid. Marwan II, the last of the Ommaides. Mu'awia II, '^ijh'^, son of Yezfd I, and the third khali'f of the race of Umayya. He succeeded his father in September, 683 A. D., 64 A. H., at Damascus, but being of a weakly constitution, and unable to bear the fatigues of government, resigned the crown six weeks after his inauguration, and died soon after without naming a suc- cessor. Therefore, as soon as he had made his abdication, the ofiicers of the court proceeded to the election of a khalif and their choice fell upon Marwan, the son of Hakam. In the meantime 'Abdullah the son of Zuber had been declared khalif in Arabia, 'Irak, Khurasan, Egypt, and a great part of S5rria. Vide 'Umar al-Maksus. Mua'zzi, Amir, LSJ^j'^^'^'^) a nobleman at the court of Sultan Malikshah Saljukf. He is the author of a Dfwan in Persian. He was living at the time of the Sultan's death which happened in 1092 A. D., vide Amir Moizzf. Mu'azzam Khan, ly^^ f^*^, Khan Khanan entitled Mir Jumla, which see. Mu'azzam, Khwaja, (♦^■* ^^U^^j vide Khwaja Mu'az- zam. Mu'azzam, Muhammad, »**=r^, vide Bahadur Shah I. Mubarik 'Ali Khan, ij-' >^M'^ Nawab of Bengal, Behar and Urisa, placed on the masnad on the 23rd of December, 1824 A. D. Mubarik Shah Khilji, t5?^^ ^/i^, sumamed Kutb-uddin, ascended the throne of Dehli (according to Firishta) on the 22nd of March, 1317 A. D., Vth Mu- harram, 717 A. H. after the death of his feather Sultan ' Ala-uddi'n Khilji, and the murder of Kafiir a slave of the latter who had aspired to the throne and had raised Shahab-uddi'n 'Umar Khan a boy of seven years of age,