Page:The Oriental Biographical Dictionary.djvu/205

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Muhammad 193 Muliammad of Dehli in the lifetime of his father in the year 1387 A. D., but -was soon after deposed and expelled by the chiefs. He remained at Nagarkot till the reign of _ Abu Bakr Shah, when he proceeded towards Dehli with a large army, and after some repulses proTuig victorious, ascended the throne in August, 1390 A. D., 792 A. H. He is the founder of a fortress in Jalesar which he called Muhammadabad. He reigned 3 years and 7 months, and died on the 19th February, 1394 A. D., 17th Eabi' II, 796 A. H., and his body was deposited at Dehli in the same vault with that of his father. He was succeeded by his son Humayun, who, on ascending the throne, assumed the name of 'Ala-uddfn Sikandar Shah, but died suddenly after a short reign of 45 days, and his brother Sultan Mahmud succeeded him. Muhammad Shall, king of Persia, was the son of 'Abbas Mirzd, and grandson of Fatha Abu Shah, whom he succeeded to the throne of Persia in ISSi A. D., and died in 1847 A. D. Muhammad Sharif Hakkani, t5^^^^ "i-^"^ '^"^"^ author of a poem called " Aynak-e-Dil," which he com- pleted in 1685 A. D., 1096 A. H. Mtlhammad Shah, ^'-^ <^*^'°, present ruler of Badakhshan. He was placed in his present position by Amir Sher 'All of Kabul to whom he is bound to pay tribute, the amount 'of which in 1870 A. D., was £8100, and 600 horses. His predecessor was the intimate friend of 'Abdul Eahman Khan, the pretender to the Afghan throne, who was opposed by Sher 'All in 1868 A. D. Muhammad Sharif, Khwaja, '-^O-* a nephew of lilaulana ITmaidi. He was wazir to Shah Tahmasp Safwi I, and governor of Yezd, Abarkoh and afterwards of Isfahan for several years, and died ia 1538 A. D., 945 A. H. Muhammad, Sharif, Mir, '^■j^ author of a Dilasnawi or poem containing felicitations on the accession to the throne of Lakhnau, of Ghazi-uddin Haidar, completed in 1814 A. D., 1229 A. H. Muhammad Shirin Maulana, (jjijt-*" <^*^'° ^^y, commonly called Maulana Maghrabi, which see. Muhammad Shaikh, <>*=^'^ ^i^j author of the works called " Jami Jahan-nama," and the "Nafs Eahmani," containing meditation on the unity of God, and rules for solitary devotion, vide Shaikh Muhammad. Muhammad Sufi, Maulana, ^'^h, author of the work called " Maikhana wa-Butkhana," or the wine shop and idol house. He was a native of Mazindaran, and was residing in 1725 A. D., 1038 A. H. at Ahmadabad in Gujrat, and afterwards for some time in Kashmir. Muhammad, Sultan, '^•♦^^ the last king of the ancient race of the sovereigns of Badakhshan, taken prisoner in battle by Sultan Abu Sa'fd, a descendant of Amir Taimur, and slain together with all his children and relations in 1466 A. D., 871 A. H. Muhammad, Sultan, ^ylkl«^ .^^i^q ^g^^ after- wards surnamed Makahul or the Blind, was the second son of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni. He succeeded his father in 1030 A. D. in the absence of his elder brother Masa'ud, who after five months deprived him of his sight and placed him in close confinement, where he remained 49 till he was again reinstated by the army in 1038 A. D., and his brother Masa'ud deposed. He reigned at Labor for two years, after which he was defeated and put to death by Sultan Maudud the son of Masa'ud 1044 A. D. Muhammad, Sultan, <>*sr^ ^^IW-*, was the second son of Sultan Malikshah Saljuki, after whose death he ruled over Azurbejan, but when his eldest brother Bar- kayarak died in 1104 A. D., 498 A. H., he seized Bagh- dad also and assumed the title of Sultan. This prince died at Isfahan 1118 A. D,, Zil-hijja, 511 A. H., and was succeeded by his son Mahmud, who, however, was soon reduced by his uncle, Sultan Sanjar, to the condition of a dependent. Mahmud died 1131 A. D., loth Shawwal, 625 A. H., aged 27 years at Hamdan after a reign of 14 years. Muhammad, Sultan, ^^^^ lyt^ai'-, surnamed Kutb-, uddin, succeeded his father 'Ala-uddin Takash as Sultan of Khwarizm in 1200 A. D., 696 A. H. He was defeated by the celebrated conqueror Changez Khan, his country pillaged, and almost all his familj' made prisoners in 1218 A. D., 616 A. H. He died of a broken heart in March, 1221 A D., Zil-hijja, 617 A. H. His son Jalal-uddin for a long time bore up against the torrent that had over- whelmed his father, but was at last subdued. He was slain in 1230 A. D., 627 A. H. Vide Takash. Muhammad, Sultan, c^^^^, son of Baisan- ghar Mirza. Vide Babar (Sultan) and Sultan Mu- hammad. Muhammad, Sultan Mirza, <^=^, or Sultan Mirza, the son of Awais Mirza, the son of Bai- kara, the son of Mansur, a prince of the house of Amir Taimiir. He accompanied the emperor Babar Shah to India, and after his death rebelled against his son the emperor Humayun, and though subdued and pardoned, his five sons, viz., Muhammad Husain Mirza, Ibrahim Husain Mirza, Masa'ud Husain Mirza, Illagh Mirza, and Shah Mirza, and three of his nephews took advantage of the general disturbance which took place in 1566 A. D., 974 A. H., and revolted at Sambhal, the government of which had been assigned to their father. At first they were overpowered without an effort and were confined in the fort of Sambhal by order of the emperor Akbar, but when that monarch marched in the year 1567 A. D., 975 A. H. for the purpose of subduing Malwa ; they made their escape to Gujrat and sought an asylum with Changez Khan, governor of Baroach, where thej' sowed the seeds of future troubles, which only ended with the subjugation of the kingdoms by Akbar in 1572 A. D., 980 A. H., vide Ibrahim Husain Mirza. Muhammad Sultan Mirza was, on account of his sons' rebellion, confined in the fort of Bayana about the year 1567 A. D. where he died some years after. Muhammad Sultan, yj^ "^^^ tlie eldest son of Jahangir Mirza. After his father's death, he was named by his grandfather, heir of all his dominions, but died before him in 1404 A. D., 805 A. H. Muhammad Tahir Nasirabadi, "^-^ author of a biography called " Tazkira Muhammad Tahir." He lived in the reign of 'Abbas Shah I of Persia. Muhammad Tahir, '^^^ '"ide Inayet Khan. Muhammad Taki, Imam, t?^ '^♦^ f^', also called Muhammad al Jawad, was the ninth Imam of the race of 'AH, and the son of Imam 'All Miisi Eaza who was the eighth. He was born in the year 811 A. D., 195 A. H.,