Page:The Oriental Biographical Dictionary.djvu/238

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Rukia 226 Rustam Eukia, ly'^^'*, vide Sultana Eukia. Bukia, ^'j, vide Kiikayya. Rukia Sultana Begam, ^ib, ^'i<ie Sultana Eukia. Rukn Kashi, Hakim, ls^^ ^^J f»-^^j a physician and poet who adopted "Masih" for his poetical name. He was a respectable attendant of the court of Shah Abhas the Great, king of Persia, but having taken offence on some cause or other, he came to India and passed some years in the service of the emperor Akbar and his suc- cessors Jahangir and Shah Jahan, during whose reign he went on a pilgrimage to Mecca and returning from thence to Persia, he died there some years after, in 1646 A. D., 1056 A. H., or, as some authors say, about the year 1656 A. D., 1066 A. H., and left near 100,000 verses. His nephew Rahmat Khan also called Hakim Ziya-uddin son of Hakim Kutba, served under Shah Jahan and 'Alamgir, and died about the year 1664 A. D., 1075 A. H. Rukn-uddin D a b i r, ^i.'^ ^Lri^^^ uO> author of the " Shamael Atkia," a record of the excellencies of the saints, and of the wonders and miracles performed by the Almighty ; with an eulogium on Muhammad, dedicated to Burhan-uddin Sufi. Rukn-uddin Piroz, Sultan, Jjtr-i;* tr^'^l J-^^, the son of Sultan Shams-uddfn Altimsh, king of Dehli, on whose death he ascended the throne on the 1st of May, 1236 A. D., Shaban, 633 A. H., but was after six months deposed by the nobles, and his sister Sultana Eazia was placed on the throne on the 1 9th of November the same year. Eukn-uddin died in confinement some time after. Rukn-uddin K a b a i, i^'^^ c^i'^-'l a poet who was a pupil of Asfr-uddin Asmani. He was a native of Kabai in Turkey, and cotemporary with the poet Ma'jizi. Rukn-uddin Masa'ud Masihi, M a ul a n'a, ^^J^ ^^.x«,A3 ^^^^j^;i^S^^ author of the Arabic work on the practice of Medicine called " Zabitat-ul-Ilaj." He was also a good poet and was living about the year 1585 A. D., 993 A. H. Rukn-uddin, Shaikh, (^."^^ ub '^-^^ surnamed Abu'l Fatha, a Muhammadan saint, was the son of Shaikh Sadr-uddin 'Arif and grandson of Shaikh Baha->uddfn Zikaria of Multan. He lived in the time of Sultan 'Ala- uddin Sikandar Sani about the j'ear 1310 A. D., 710 A. H., and was a contemporary of Nizam-uddi'n Aulia. Shaikh Jalal, who is commonly called Makhdum Jaha- nian, as well as Shaikh 'Usman Syyah, were his disciples. Rukn-uddaula, *-?J'^-e;^;, was the brother of 'Imad- uddaula 'AH Boya, the founder of the race of the Boyaites, whom he succeeded on the throne of Pars and 'Irak 949 A. D., 338 A. H. He was lord of Isfahan, Eei, Hamdan and all Persian 'Irak, and father of the three princes, 'Azd-uddaula, Muwayyad-uddaula and Fakhr-uddaula, between whom he shared his possessions, which they governed with the greatest ability. He continued to reside in 'Irak after the death of his brother, and gave over the charge of the affairs of Pars to his eldest son 'Azd-uddaula. Besides 'Imad-uddaula he had another brother Moiz-uddaula younger than himself, who was wazir to the Khalif Al-Razi Billah and his three suc- cessors. Eukn-uddaula died at Eei on Friday night the 15th of September, 976 A. D., 18th Muharram, 366 A. H., and was buried in the mausoleum which bears his name at Shiraz. He is said to have reigned 44 lunar years 1 mouth and 9 days, viz., he governed Persia during the life of his brother more than 16 years, and after his death he reigned nearly 28 years. He was succeeded by his son Muwayyad-uddaula. Vide 'AH Boya. Eukn-uddaula, ^j<^h (^(;, a minister of the Nizam of Haidarabad, who was put to death by his master about the year 1794 A. D. His subserviency to the views of the Marhattas has generally been considered one of the chief causes which induced the Nizam to put him to death. Rukn-uddaula Ya'tkad Khan, ^^'^^ ^j-^^ cj'^, whose original name was Muhammad Murad, was by birth a Kashmirian, and native of the same place as Sahiba Niswan, mother of Farrukh-siyar. He was intro- duced by her to the emperor, whom he persuaded that he could easily effect the destruction of the two brother Sayyads without coming to open war, or causing confu- sion in the State. P'arrukh-siyar, gratified by his flatteries, suddenly promoted him to the rank of 7000 with suitable jagfrs and the title of Eukn-uddaula. The district of Muradabad was taken from Nizam-ul-Mulk, and being with additional lands created into a Subadari, was con- ferred on him, but after the dethronement of Farrukh- siyar in 1719 A. D., 1131 A. H., by the Sayyads, he was disgraced, put under strict confinement, his fortune con- fiscated and severe tortures were also inflicted upon his person, to compel a disclosure of his wealth. He died during the reign of Muhammad Shah. Rukta, ^^J} name of a place built by the emperor Akbar about ten kos from Jammagar where all his Begams and relations had built their houses as far as Gaughat. This was a park or pleasure-ground. Rumani, u^^Jj a learned Musalman, whose proper name was Abu'l Hasan 'AH-bin-I'sa. He died 994 A. D., 384 A. H. Rup Singh, Raja, <-^Jj ^'^b, gave his daughter in marriage to Muhammad Muazzim, the son of 'Alamgir in the year 1661 A. D., 1072 A. H. Rustam, ^'^J) a celebrated hero of Persia, whom some Persian historians call Eustam Dastan, and Eustam Zabuli because he was a native and governor of Zabulistan. This personage, who was the greatest and most famous of all Persian heroes, was the son of Zal or Zalzar, and grandson of Sam the son of Narfman. He was killed in a battle he fought against Bahman the sixth king of the dynasty of the Kayanians. Rustam 'Ali, Maulana, is^^ f*^'^j ^h'^, son of 'AH 'Asghar of Kanauj. He is the author of the Commen- tary on the Kuran called " Tafsir Saghir," He died in 1764 A. D., 1178 A. H. Rustam Bastami, Khwaja Nizam-uddin, ^'^b'^ ^^mUo.^) ^•"•j, an author who died in 1431 A. D., 834 A. H., and appears to be the same with the following item. Rustam Kadd Khoziani, K h w a j a, LS^^ijj^ a poet who was a native of Khozian a village in Bastam, and flourished about the year 1408 A. D., 8)1 A. H. He was a panegyrist of Sultan 'TJmar, son of Miran.shah, ruler of Khurasan, and a contemporary of Shahrukh "^iS-irza. In the " Mirat-ul-Khayal" he is also said to be contemporary with Ibn-ul-Arabi, but this