Page:The Oriental Biographical Dictionary.djvu/240

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• Sabnlii 228 Sadik Sabuhi, L5'^>■^'^J a poet in the service of the emperor Akbar. 'hb died in the year 1564 A. D., 972 A. H. Sabr, yi^, poetical title of Mir Husain 'All of Lakhnan, a pupil of Asghar 'All Khan Nasim of Dehli. Sabri, iSj':'^, also called Koz Bihan, a Persian poet of Isfahan. SabZWari, lSJ^JJ^^, a native of Sahzwir and author of the "Saw'ana Sahzwari/' which contains a description the city of Daulatabad in the Dakhm with a particular account of all the Sufis and holy men that are buried in its vicinity, written in 1318 A. D., 718 A. i±. Sadafi, Lull w*'*' a poet who flourished in the time of Mu- X, 'rv,Jl ^hah He is the author of a Diwan which is Sy caltf "Diwan Sadafi," but the true title given by the author is " Raz-ul-'Arifi. « 1 X,- T3-han *5l*.) ♦V*!'^". a Marhatta chief, son of Sadasbiu Bnau, jx^- > , t,-'td' nt,-^r,^i,' and nephew of the Peshwa Balaji or Bau Rao. STa^^sirn'in^bSle ag-ainst Abmad Shah Abd^H on the T^4.-u Tannarv 1761 A. D., 6th Jumada ii, a. n. X ts dT^'seveial pretenders started up, calling ther^selves the Bh4u. In 1779 one appeared m Benares .nd Wn to levy troops and raise disturbances in the 7u iipon which he was seized and confined m the English garrison at Chunar, from whence he was released by Mr. Hastings in 1782. Sada Sukb °* Bishun Parshad the son of n :'y. "rL a Kaveth of Allahabad and author of a work Slit frtVwSg prose and poetry entitled Mu™ Khurshaid" which he wrote m A U., IZU ^■ ■ He also wi-ote a book of Anecdotes mUidu.^ of Impurities. The author, however, seems to have repen- ted of having written these indecent verses, yet endea- vours to excuse himself on account of their giving a relish to other poems, " as salt is used in the seasoning of meat." His works, all of which are held in great estimation, are the following :— A Preface. Majalis Khan. Eesala Sahib Diwan, Gulistan. Bostan. Pandnama. Kasaed Arahi. Kasaed Farsi. Marasi. Mulamma'at. Muzahhabat. Ruba'yat. Fardiat. Ghazaliat. Mukaltiat. Murakkabat. Al-Khabfsat. Tarjiat. Kitab-al-Badaya. Kitab Tyyobat. Al-Khawatim. Sa'd-bin-Sharif . Jaunpuri, iSJ -?t>= author of a Persian work called " Dastdr-ul-Musallin." Sa'd.bin-'Abdullah-al-Asha'ri, ^^^'^^^ ^. or Ibn-ul-Faraez, author of a treatise on the law of Inheritance, entitled, " Ihtij4j-ush-Shia." He died 913 A. D., 301 A. H. Sa'd-bin-Zangi, Atabak, c5% vide Sunkar, or Sankar. Sa'd-ibn-Ahmad, ?azx of Toleda. He died 1069 A. D., 462 A. H. Sa'di, Shaikh, LSy^-^ iS^^ ^^^> of Shiraz, a cele- brated Persian poet, commonly called Shaikh Maslah- uddin Sa'di-al-Shirazf. He was born at Shiraz about - the year 1175 A. D., 671 A. H., and died in 1292 A D 691 A H ao-ed 120 lunar years. During his youth he served as a soldier both against the Hindus and Chris- tians • by the latter he was taken prisoner, and obHged to work at the fortifications of Tripoli, whence he was liberated by a person who gave him his daughter m marriao-e : but the lady was of so bad a temper that the poet complained he had exchanged his slavery for a worse bonda"-e. He was a great traveller ; and made the pil- ffiimao-e of Mecca fourteen times. He was a disciple of the venerated Sufi, 'Abdul Kadir Gilani, or at least, adopted his opinion. His tomb is still to be seen in the neio-hbourhood of Shiraz. Besides the Gulistan and Bostan, he is the author of a large collection of Odes and Sonnets. There is likewise a short collection of poetical pieces attributed to him called " Al-Khabisat" or the book A very good edition of Sa'di's works was published in Calcutta by Mr. Harrington : with an English Preface containing the memoirs of the author, and many other interesting anecdotes ; and Mr. Gladwin of Bengal has favoured the public with a very good translation of the Gulistan. Jami calls Sa'di, "the Nightingale of the Groves of Shiraz." Sa'di, ^ j^Sx^ of the Dakhin, who is the author of some verses which are erroneously ascribed to Sa'di of Shiraz. Sa'did XJsi, c^'*"^' '^■■'^} an excellent poet, author of the " Jama-ul-Makiat." Sa'did-uddin Gazaruni, ijbjj^ '^■'^^ '^i'^'", author of an Arabic work on Medicine called " Almughni." Sadik, O^^'^j tis proper name is Sadik 'All, and he is the author of the" Chahar Bagh Haidari," dedicated to Nawab Gbazi-uddfn Haidar of Lakhnau, who died in 1827 A._D., 1243 A. H. It contains rather selections from ancient authors than original poetry. Sa'dik Muhammad Khan, C^^'^ ^^'^D' jlX^ljf (3*3, a mansahdar of 4000: died 1597 A. D., 1005 A. H., buried at Dholpur. He was a Persian, cousin to Nur Jahan, one of whose sisters he married. He was esteemed one of Akhar's best officers. Sadik, Oii^'", the poetical name of Mir Ja'far Khan, o-randson of Said Muhammad Kadiri. He is the author of a work called " Baharistan Ja'fari." He was a native of Dehli where he died some years before 1782 A. D., 1196 A. H., and was buried in the same vault wherein his grandfather was interred, and which is over the nala of Bkiram Dai in Dehli. Sadiki C5'i^j poetical name of Sadik Beg of the tribe of Afshiir. He is the author of a Diwan and a Tazkira or Biography of poets in Turki. Sadik Khan, O^^'"} the son of 'Aka Takir whose poetical name was Wasli, and grandson of Muhamm^ad Sharaf Hajri, and nephew and son-in»law of Ya'tmad- uddaula Tehran'i. He held a high rank in the time of Akbar and Jahangir, and died on the 7th of October, 1630 A. D., 9th Rabi' I, 1040 A. H., in the reign of the emperor Shah Jahan. Sadik Khan, O^^"^- was a spiritual guide of the emperor Akbar the Great. He died in 1597 A. D., 1006 A. H. To the left of the road, about half way between Sikandra and Agrah, are some tombs in the