Page:The Oriental Biographical Dictionary.djvu/242

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Saeb 230 Safshikan whose poetical name was Wahdat a descendant of Shaikh Ahmad Mujaddid, consequently he lived like a dervish, and assumed the title of Gulshan for his poetical name. He died at Dehli on the 13th December, 1728 A. D., 21st Jumada I, 1141 A. H. Saeb, Mirza, '^i!"^ the poetical name of Mirza Muhammad 'AH of Tabrez, a celebrated poet of Persia, who in the latter part of the reign of the emperor Jahan- gir came to India as a merchant. He became intimate with Zafar Khan, a nobleman of the court, who beinji' appointed governor of Kashmir in those days by Shah Jahan, took him along with him to that country. From Kashmir he returned to Isfahan where he was honoured with the title of " Malik-ush-Shu'ara" or the king of poets, by Shah Abbas king of Persia. He wrote Ghazals in an entirely new style, and may therefore be considered as the founder of the new school. He died in 1669 A. D., 1080 A. H., and was buried at Isfahan. His Diwan in Persian contains 80,000 verses. Saeb, Mirza, '-r^^'^ 'ir^> a Hindustani poet and author of the " Mirat-ul-Jamal," or the Mirror of Peauty, a very eccentric work, containing a distinct poem in praise of each of his mistresses' features, limbs, and perfections. Saidai Gilani, came to India in the time of Jahangir, and as he was very clever and of great abilities, he was made a Darogah of the Zargar Khana or goldsmith's shop, and received the title of Bedil. He is the author of a Diwan, Nukat Bedil Eukaat Bedil and Chahar Ansur. He died about the year 1116 A. D. Sa'id-bin-Mansur, j^"^^ (icf "^i*^} author of the works called " Sunan and Zuhd." He died in 842 A. D., 227 A. H. Sa'id-bin-Masa'ud of Shiraz, c^jiri-* dj*-^ <^*'^, author of theTarjumaMaulud." a complete history of Muhammad, translated from the Arabic about the year 1358 A. D., 759 A. H. Sa'id-bin-Muhammad, '^■^ lj^ author of the works called " Minhaj-ul-"Abidfn" and " Sa'i'd-nama," containing moral and philosophical treatises on the virtues, vices, passions, rewards, punishments, &c. Sa'id-bin-Musayyab, vi^* t^r^ '^■i*^, son-in-law of Abu Hureira. He was one of the seven Fikhas of Madina; made forty pilgrimages to Mecca, and died in 713 A. D., 94 A. H. Sa'id-bin-Zand, "Hi e^-? '^■i**"^ was the last of those ten companions who had a positive promise of paradise from Muhammad. He died in the year 671 A. D., 61 A. H. Sa'id Hirwi, LS>J^ ^b**^, a poet who was a native of Hirat and contemporary with Kazi Shams-uddin Tibsi. Sa'id Klian Kureshi, cf^-i;* vj^^ whose pro- per name was Shaikh Muhammad, was a native of Multan. He was a good poet and a wit, and was employed by the prince Sultan Murad Bakhsh son of Shah Jahan at the time when he was governor of Gujrat ; and afterwards by prince Dara Shikoh, after whose death he was em- ployed by the emperor 'A'lamgir, and died in November, 1676 A. D., Eamazan, 1087 A. H., at Blultan where he was buiied in a monument which he had built whilst living. He is the author of a Dfwan. Sa'id Khan, Hakim, a physician of Kaem who lived in the time of Shah 'Abbas II of Persia, and is the author of a Diwan. Sa'id Khan, Muhammad, present Nawab of Eamptir (1858). Sa'id Muhammad Kirmani, i/^j^ <x».!s* <xx»«,^ author of the " Siar-ul-Aulia," containing the memoirs of all the principal Sufi Shaikhs and saints. Written in 1594 A. D., 1003 A. H. Safdar 'Ali Khan, J"^^-^, nawab of Arkat son of Dost 'All murdered by his brother-in-law Murtaza 'AH Khan of Vellore on the 2nd October, 1742 A. D. Safdar Jang, sS^^j'^^'e', Nawab of Audh, whose proper name was Blirza Mukim and surname Mansiir 'AH Khan, was the son of Saysidat Khan, and nephew and son-in-law of Burhan-ul-Mulk Sa'adat Khan whom he succeeded in the government of Audh after paying two crores of rupees to Nadir Shah in the beginning of the year 1152 A. D., 1152 A. H., or April. 1739 A. D.. 1161 A. H. He was appointed wazir in 1748 A. D. on the accession of the em- peror Ahmad Shah (in the room of Nizam-ul-Mulk who had died that year), and assumed the whole administra- tion of the imperial authority for several years. He was, however, dismissed from the wizarat in 1762 A. D., 1166 A. H., and died on his way to Audh at Pa- parghat on the I7th of October, 1763 A. D., 17th Zil-hijja. 1167 A. H. He was buried for some time at Gulab Bari in Faizabad his seat of government, but afterwards his remains were conveyed to Dehli and interred in the vicinity of the Dargah of Shah Mardan where a splendid mausoleum was built over his tomb. He was succeeded in the government of Audh by his son Nawab Shuja-uddaula. Safi Khan, son of Islam Khan Mashhadf, a nobleman who served under the emperors Shah Jahan and 'Alamgir. Safi Mirza, tlr?;'* son of Shah 'Abbas I. He was murdered by the instigation of his father who hated him, about the year 1611 A. D., 1020 A. H. Safi, Shah, ts^"^ Persia, vide Shah Saff. Safi, Shaikh, vide Shaikh Safi. Safir of Faryab, ^Hs^'"} poetical name of a poet of Faryab. Safi-uddin Muhammad, •^♦^'"cu'^'^i c?*-*, son of Husain Waez. He is the author of a book called " Eish- hat," which is a chronogram for 909 A H., in which year it was completed. (1503 A. D., 909 A. H.) It con- tains the sayings of his Murshid or spiritual guide Obeid- ullah Ahrar who resided at Samarkand. Vide 'AH Waez. Safi-uddin, Shaikh, liH"^! o*"* mde Isma'fl Shah Safwi and Shaikh Saff. Safiah, vide Al-Safifah. Safia, ^i*'*, daughter of a Jew of Khaibai^ whom Muham- mad married after the battle of Khaibar. She was one of the most beloved wives of the prophet, whom she survived for forty years of widowhood. She died about the year 670 A. D., 50 A. H. Safshikan Khan, 0^=^ title of Muhammad Tahir, a nobleman of the rank of 3000, who served imder the emperor 'Alamgir and died 1676 A. D., 1085 A. H.