Page:The Oriental Biographical Dictionary.djvu/292

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Wahdat 280 Wali Wahdat, vSf^^, poetical name of Shaikh Jamal-uddm the great-grandfather of Shaikh Muhammad Hazrn. He is the author of several works, viz., "Elucidation of the miracle of the Moraj, or Ascent of the prophet ;" " An Explanation or Commentary in Persian on the Kulliat of the Kanun," -which he wrote at the desire of Khan Ahmad Khan, king of Gilan. " An Epistle or Treatise on the confirmation of a Necessary Being ;" " A Treatise on the Solution of Ohscurities in the Section of Surds or Solids ;" an extensive " Commentary on the Fisus or Gems of Faryabf,"and a Diwan contauiing2,000 couplets. Wahdat, Oi>>^, poetical name of 'Ahdul Ahad, who was familiarly called Shah Gul, a son of Shaikh Muhammad Said and grandson of Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi. He re- sided mostly in the Kotila near Dehli and is the author of a Diwan. He died in 17U A. D., 1126 A. H. Wahid, "^^h) vide Tahir Wahid. Wahidi, iS'^.'^J, poetical title of Wahid-uddin, which see. Wahid-uddin Tabreizi, C5>irf-' ivi'^^'^i^J, a poet of Persia whose poetical title is Wahidf. He is the author of a treatise written professedly upon versification. Wahidi, LS'^'^h, poetical name of 'AH son of Ahmad, which see. Wahmi, ts** J} poetical appellation of Haji Tahmasp Kuli, a poet who flourished in India between the years 1637 and 1647 A. D., 1047 and 1057 A. H. Wahshat, "-^^-^J, poetical title of Shaikh 'Ahdul Wahid who was a descendant of Imam Muhammad Ghazzalf. He was an excellent poet born and brought up in Kasha Thanesar. He flourished in the reign of 'Alamgir, and is the author of a Diwan. Wahshi Yezdi, Maulana of Yezd, is^^ author of the Masnawi or poem called "Nazir wa Manzur" which he completed in the year 1559 A. D., 966 A. H., and of another poem called Farhad and Shirin in the metre of Nizamei's Khusro and Shin'n and several other works. He died in 1584 A. D., 992 A. H. Wajih-uddin Ahmad Maghrabi, lsIj** l;^'^- Ajji^, commonly called Shaikh Ahmad Khattu, which see. Wajih-uddin Mubarak Kirmani, t^^^'^ ^yjiiJl A'i^'jj a Sayyad and a disciple of Nizam-uddin Aulia. He was commonly called Sayyad Khurd or the little Sayyad. He is the author of the work called Siar- ul-Aulia." See Sayyad Husain (Makhdum). Wajih-uddin, Shaikh, e^^'^-'i ^'^j of Gujr^t, a disciple of Shaikh Muhammad Ghaus of Gwaliar. He was a learned man,' is the author of several works, and his poetical name was Alwf. He died on the 30th of November, 1589 A. D., 1st Safar, 998 A. H., and was buried iu Ahmadabad Gujrat. Wajid 'Ali, ij^^ '•^^J) author of an Urdu Grammar entitled " Guldastae Anjuman" which he wrote and pub- lished at Agrah in the year 1849 A. D., and another work called " Matla-ul-Uliim." Wajid 'Ali Shah, *^ ^=^b, the last king of Audh was the son of 'Amjad" 'Ali Shah, after whose death he ascended the throne at Lakhnau, in 1847 A. D., 1263 A. H. In his time Audh was annexed to the British Government on the 7th of February, 1866. His poetical title is Akhtar, and is the author of three Diwans and three Masnawis in Urdu. This ex-kiag is now living in Cal- cutta, pensioned by Government. Inscription on his coin. Wakidi, lS'^'^J> surname of Muhammad bin-'Umar, an author who wrote in Arabic the work called " Tabakat Wakidi," containing the history of the conquests of Syria by the generals of 'Umar, during the years 638-9 A. D. He died in the year 824 or 834 A. D., 209 or 219 A. H. Ibn-Jauzi relates that Wakidi who dwelt at Baghdad, when removing to the Eastern bank of the Tigris, required 120 camels to convey his books. Vide Ab(i Abdullah Muhammad ibn-'Umar-ul- Wakidi. Wakif, '^h, the poetical name of a poet whose proper name is Nflr-ul-Ayn. He was a native of Patiala of which place his father was a Kazf. He was contem- porary with the poet 'Arzu, and died about the year 1776 A. D., 1190 A. H. He is commonly called Wakif Lahori and his Diwan contains about 800 Persian Ghazals. Wala, poetical name of Islam Khan, which see. Walad, '^^Jj vide Sultan Walad, who is also called Mau- lana Walad. Walah, ^^h} poetical name of Said Muhammad, author of a poem called " Dastvir-ul-Nazm." Walah, *-'tj poetical title of 'AH Kuli Khan of Daghistan He is the author of a Tazkira entitled " Rayaz-ush- Shu'ara." It is an universal biographical dictionary of Persian poets, and contains about 2,500 articles. He came to India in 1734 A. D., 1147 A. H., where he com- posed the above work in 1748 A. D., 1161 A. H., and died after nine years in 1757 A. D., 1170 A. H. He is the father of Gunna Begum, which see. Walajah, Prince, Jf'^'^^-'ij 2!^i>f«, son of 'Azim Shah. He along with his brother Beidar Bakht, was killed in the battle fought by his father against the emperor Bahadur Shah his eldest brother in 1707 A. D. Walajah, x'-^^-^/lj^ a title of Muhammad 'Ali Khan, naw&b of the Kamatik, who died in 1795 A. D., aged 87 years. Wali, LS^hf poetical name of Najaf 'All Beg, an author. Wali, ts'l?; poetical name of Shah Wab'-ullah a native of Gujrat, but passed the greatest part of his life in the Dakhin. He was living in the time of the emperor 'Alamgir and is the first poet who wrote a Diwan in Urdu. A copy of this book was brought to Dehli in 1720 A. D., 1132 A. H. which induced many poets of that city to apply themselves to Urdu poetry. Vide Hatim. Wali, of Dasht Bayaz, ij^ki »js-!>, a place in Khurasan. He was a contemporary with Mirz&. Muham- mad Kuli Maili who came to India in 1571 A. D., 982 A. H. Wali is the author of a Persian Diwan. Vide Wali (Maulana).