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people to believe. Let us remember his devotions were the fittest opportunities, when he realized the kingdom of heaven on earth, when he beheld, communed, and conversed with the holy prophets, when the momentous secrets of the divine bosom were kindled and poured into his soul. His protracted, watchful, untiring devotions were his discipline, his school, his pilgrimage, his light, and the crises of his earthly existence. Might not devotions and prayers be cultivated to lead us to all truth and holiness? Might not our devotions suffice for every perplexity, for every trial, for every deficiency? Yes, if we have the spirit which Christ had, we, too, then might converse with Jesus, as Jesus, transfigured, conversed with Moses and Elias on the mountain.

For intense seeing into God shows God in the deepest humanity. When God and humanity become united, the carnal man disappears to reappear in Him as a spirit, and He disappears from every other thing to reappear in man as divine character, then communion, or Yoga, becomes perfect. Heaven dawns upon earth when God and his prophets people its heights and depths. What are the prophets but the truest revelation of humanity, and what is God but the life and soul of the prophets? He therefore lives in heaven who lives continually in God and