Page:The Origin of Christian Science.djvu/147

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pure intuition comprehend ideas which are neither contained in nor deducible from the foundations of our natural knowledge, must necessarily possess a mind far superior to those of his fellowmen, nor do I believe that any have been so endowed save Christ. To Him the ordinances of God leading men to salvation, were revealed directly without words or visions, so that God manifested Himeself to the Apostles through the mind of Christ as he formerly did to Moses through the supernatural voice. In this sense the voice of Christ, like the voice which Moses heard, may be called the voice of God, and it may be said that the wisdom of God (i. e. wisdom more than human) took upon itself in Christ human nature, and that Christ was the way of salvation.”[1]

In this language of Spinoza notice that Christ is superior to all other recipients of revelations in that he received or discerned them by means of the intuitive faculty and without material media, that is, that in Jesus, there was the free and untrammelled reign of the intellect and that he was, by virtue of this endowment, the wisdom of God and the way of salvation.

We need not refrain from saying that Mrs. Eddy and Spinoza say certain beautiful things about Christ, some of which we may be inclined to accept tentatively. But that the Evangelist John by calling Christ the Logos meant to suggest that Christ is a school-master to bring us to

  1. Theo.-Pol Treat. Chap. 1.