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The Origin of Christian Science.

covery. Woman must give it birth”;[1] “All Science is a revelation.”[2] How Mrs. Eddy can regard anything as being both a discovery and a revelation will be explained under the discussion of her psychology. Such terms are not inconsistent for her. She uses the adverb, “apparently,” not to express doubt but desirable modesty.

It is a daring claim that Mrs. Eddy makes and the way in which it is declared is most interesting. Nothing in all that Mrs. Eddy has written is so satisfactory and so unsatisfactory as this, so frank and so elusive. Read the statements carefully and see if they are not self-contradictory. What books or authorities was she studying during the twenty years before she discovered the principle of metaphysical healing, after which discovery she turned to the Scriptures? Since she confesses that Christ left no definite rule for demonstrating the principle of healing, how could the Bible be her only authority and “guide in the ‘straight and narrow way’ of Truth”? And if this “rule remained to be discovered in Christian Science”, which came to her as a divine revelation, has Christian Science a fundamental rule that was not taught by Christ? If so how can Christian Science be founded on “the teachings and demonstrations of our great Master and the lives of prophets and apostles”? Mrs. Eddy confesses that the “definite rule for demonstrating the Principle of healing and preventing disease” is not in