Page:The Origin of Christian Science.djvu/31

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The Problem and the Proof.

most of her conclusions and admit that her application of them is in general legitimate. Mrs. Eddy realized this and so do all well-informed Christian Scientists. So they urge us to study her teachings much and carefully. Christian Science is a metaphysical system, as Mrs. Eddy claims; and, as all students of metaphysics know, such a body of ideas must be carefully studied before one can have even an intelligent opinion as to it.

My purpose is to show that the metaphysical principles of Christian Science are a reproduction of those of Neoplatonism. How Mrs. Eddy came upon them I do not know and I do not care. Others may investigate that question. I am concerned with establishing a fact, not with how the fact came to be. Mrs. Eddy was aware of Neoplatonism as a historical event, and had some knowledge of its religious character.[1]

Neoplatonism, as the word indicates, is a modified form of Plato's philosophy. It is also an application of the principles of Platoism to religion; that is, pagan religion. Christianity has felt its influence; but a zeal to revive paganism and to re-establish its power caused Neoplatonism to rise and reign for several centuries. It is perhaps the most powerful philosophical system that was ever given to the world.

The honor of originating this system is attributed to Ammonius Saccas, a teacher of Alex-