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The Origin of Christian Science.

in Theology, Cosmology, Anthropology, Christology, Psychology, and Ethics, it is conclusive that the later system is derived from the earlier.

Mrs. Eddy claims that her system came by “divine utterance” or divine revelation. It will be shown that this expression with her means only intuitive discernment. But however the expression may be understood, it will be seen that certain pagan and idolatrous intellects about fifteen hundred years ago had the same thoughts.

My purpose is to prove this, to show that Mrs. Eddy is a philosophic plagiarist; to trace her to her hiding place which is in the dark and to bring her out into the light, together with the plunder she has been keeping secret and to convict her before the bar of human judgment of the worst crime known to God and men, but for which there is neither prison nor exile nor death, the crime of soul-stealing. One who deceives his fellowmen in religious matters steals and sells their souls and is worse than a slave trader. A more successful literary and religious grafter than Mary Baker G. Eddy has never appeared. Let the honest doubter or seeker after truth read carefully the argument and he will be convinced that this is a statement of fact.

It seems proper to anticipate one objection that may be made against the argument as herein presented. Very likely it will be said that the quotations are “garbled.” In advance I want to deny the charge. As a rule the quotations are not lengthy but they need not be. In every in-