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The Origin of Christian Science.

and demonstrated the falsity of her words by dying and staying dead. Jesus Christ died because he chose to. Mrs. Eddy died because she could not help it. Her disciples said that she was, during the time of her fatal illness, “in error”. It would be a greater error for her to return to materiality and unreality, to darkness and finiteness. No, no! you fond disciples; you should be more philosophic. Since it would be so great a calamity to return to this “mortal coil”, why is it an error to be shuffling it off?

But one wonders why Mrs. Eddy did not continue the application of this principle of the unreality of matter. Why did she not work it out completely and consistently? She makes war on error, sin, sickness, and death because matter is unreal. But she has no right to stop here. She has started on a certain road. She must travel it to the end or go back. She has no right to stop, look wise and say, “See what progress I have made.” No, we say, “Go on, or confess that you are in a bad way.”

If matter is darkness and spirit is light then the less materiality we have the more spirituality we have; the more we reduce the corporeality, the more we increase the mentality; the leaner the body, the fatter the soul.[1]

This is invincible logic. Who does not know that the less darkness there is the more light there is? If then I am hunting for a pious man there is