Page:The Origin of Christian Science.djvu/95

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mind: that both Mrs. Eddy and the Neoplatonists teach that there is one infinite mind; and that when they speak of creation they are not thinking of what has a beginning in time and an existence of limited duration but of what is eternal. If the student will lay hold of this thought he will easily understand and appreciate the parallel which, though traced with brevity here, is far reaching in importance.

Mrs. Eddy says: “The mythical human theories of creation, anciently classified as the higher criticism, sprang from cultured scholars in Rome and in Greece, but they afforded no foundation for accurate views of creation by the divine mind.”[1] We are not concerned with this unintelligible reference to “higher criticism” and need not be confused by it. But consider other quotations from her to the same effect: “Infinite Mind is the creator, and creation is the infinite image or idea emanating from this Mind;”[2] “Divine Mind is the only cause or Principle of existence;”[3] “The universe reflects God. There is but one creator and one creation. This creation consists of the unfolding of spiritual ideas and their identities, which are embraced in the infinite Mind and forever reflected;”[4] “God creates all forms of reality. His thoughts are spiritual realities.”[5] We find the Neoplatonists affirming the same doctrine with