Page:The Other House (London, William Heinemann, 1896), Volume 2.djvu/135

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The Doctor stared. "Mr. Vidal? No, thank God—only Paul." Then pressing Tony: "Miss Martle was with her?"

Tony's eyes rolled over all space. "No—not Miss Martle."

"But somebody was!" Rose clamoured. "She wasn't alone!"

Tony fixed her an instant. "Not Miss Martle," he repeated.

"But who then? And where is she now?"

"It's positive she's not here?" the Doctor asked of Rose.

"Positive—Mrs. Beever knew. Where is she?" Rose rang out.

"Where in the name———?" passed, as with the dawn of a deeper horror, from their companion to Tony.

Tony's eyes sounded Rose's, and hers blazed back. His silence was an anguish, his face a convulsion. "It isn't half an hour," he at last brought out.

"Since it happened?" The Doctor blinked at his sudden knowledge. "Then when———?"

Tony looked at him straight. "When I was there."