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nice fur for somebody?" continued Will, stroking the cat.

"Haven't given it a thought. Besides, half of the honor belongs to Frank."

"What's that? I made a mess of it, and the beast would have escaped if you hadn't shot him on the jump?" exclaimed Frank.

"And if you hadn't wounded him how could I have ever had a chance to shoot? You can'? get out of it, old man; we'll share the honors," returned Jerry.

Frank said no more, but such generosity only drew him closer to his chum.

Fortunately the supper had not advanced far enough to be ruined. They were able to save most of the ham, which was a comfort. Frank declared that he wondered at the beast taking to smoked pork; he could not remember any similar circumstance in all his hunting, and concluded that possibly the wildcat must have been unusually hungry.

It had really been quite a strenuous day, and the boys were glad to sit around the big fire and partake of the good supper which Unck Toby prepared.

Bluff had to relate his story again and again, but it differed little from what he had already told.