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in the big timber after I had shot a deer which they wanted," remarked Jerry, trying to speak naturally.

"What!" exclaimed the others in concert.

"Oh, it's a positive fact, boys. I can take you to where the critters lie, if you want to see them later. I was told about them ranging that section, by Jesse, who warned me to look out for them. I met the pack all right, and I guess they wished I hadn't. Here's some of the fresh venison. I hung up most of it so we could get it later. Then we made a breakfast on part of what I was lugging home," Jerry went on.

"We?" remarked Frank, inquiringly.

"Of course. Andy Lasher and myself."

"Andy Lasher! Where did you run across him, and how did it come that you let that miserable skunk eat breakfast with you?" demanded Bluff.

"Well, he was in a bad way, you see. I just happened to get him out from under the branches of a fallen tree that had him pinned tight to the ground. His arm was bruised, and we bunked together until morning. Andy's got a repentant mood on him. He vows he's done playing nastytricks on our club. 'Course I don't know how it will pan out, boys."