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THE RADIO BOYS SERIES (Trademark Registered) By ALLEN CHAPMAN Author of the " Railroad Series, " Etc. ILLUSTRATED. INDIVIDUAL COLORED WRAPPERS FOR EACH STCRY. A new series for boys giving full details of radio work, both in sending and receiving telling how small and large amateur sets can be made and operated, and how some boys got a lot of fun and adventure out of what they did. Each volume from first to last is so thoroughly fascinating, so strictly up-to-date and accurate, we feel sure all lads will peruse them with great delight. Each volume has a Foreword by Jack Bines, the well- known radio expert of the New York Tribune. THE RADIO BOYS' FIRST WIRELESS; Or, Winning the Ferberton Prize. THE RADIO BOYS AT OCEAN POINT; Or, The Message That Saved the Ship. THE RADIO BOYS AT THE SENDING STATION; Or, Making Good in the Wireless Room. THE RADIO BOYS AT MOUNTAIN PASS; Or, The Midnight Call for Assistance. THE RADIO BOYS TRAILING A VOICE; Or, Solving a Wireless Mystery. THE RADIO BOYS WITH THE FOREST RANGERS; Or, The Great Fire on Spruce Mountain. GROSSET & DUNLAP, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK