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SIX LITTLE BUNKERS SERIES By LAURA LEE HOPE Author of "The Bobbsey Twins Books, " The Bunny Brown Series," "The Make-Believe Series," Etc. Durably Bound. Illustrated. Uniform Style of Binding Delightful stories for little boys and girls which sprung into immediate popularity. To know the six little Bunk- ers is to take them at once to your heart, they are so in- tensely human, so full of fun and cute sayings. Each story has a little plot of its own one that can be easily followed and all are written in Miss Hope's most enter- taining manner. Clean, wholesome volumes which ought to be on the bookshelf of every child in the land. SIX LITTLE BUNKERS AT GRANDMA BELL'S SIX LITTLE BUNKERS AT AUNT JO'S SIX LITTLE BUNKERS AT COUSIN TOM'S SIX LITTLE BUNKERS AT GRANDPA FORDS SIX LITTLE BUNKERS AT UNCLE FRED'S SIX LITTLE BUNKERS AT CAPTAIN BEN'S SIX LITTLE BUNKERS AT COWBOY JACK'S GROSSET & DUNLAP, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK