marueilous feare throughout the whole Citie : but yet because
they fawe the chiefefte personages goe besore, they thought that the
fame* enterprife was taken in vaine. Wheresore the people out of
all places of the citie, ranne into the market place. Where Brutus
complained of the abhominable Rape of Lucrece, committed by
Sextus Tarquinius. And thereunto he added the pride and insolent
behauiour of the king, the miferie and drudgerie of the people, and
howe they, which in time paste were vi&ours and Conquerours, were
made of men of warre, Artificers, and Labourers. He remembred
also the infamous murder of Seruius Tullius their late kinge. these
and such like he called to the peoples remembraunce, whereby they
abrogated and deposed Tarquinius, banifhing him, his wife, and
children. Then he leuied an armie of chosen and piked men, and
marched to the Campe at Ardea, committing the gouernemente of
the Citie to Lucretius, who besore was by the king appointed
Lieutenant. Tullia in the time of this hurlie burlie, fledde from
her houfe, all the people curfing and crying vengeaunce vpon her.
Newes brought into the campe of these euentes, the king with
great feare retourned to Rome, to reprefle those tumultes, and
Brutus hearinge of his approche, marched another waye, because
hee woulde not meete him. When Tarquinius was come to Rome,
the gates were fhutte against him, and he himselfe commaunded
to auoide into exile. The campe receiued Brutus with great ioye
and triumphe, for that he had deliuered the citie of such a tyraunte.
Then Tarquinius with his children fledde to Caere, a Citie of the
Hetrurians. And as Sextus Tarquinius was going, he was ilaine
by those that premeditated reuengemente, of olde murder
and injuries by him done to their predeceflburs. This
L. Tarquinius Superbus raigned xxv yeares. The
raigneof the kinges from the first soundation of
the citie continued CCxliiii. yeares. After
which gouernmente two Confuls were
appointed, for the order and admi-
niftration of the Citie. And
for that yeare L. luni-
us Brutus, and L.
Tarquinius, Col-