Page:The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 (1890).djvu/145

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neecle of a fhilde to defende you, then of a sworde to fight. That man is of a bafe state and courage we fuppofe, that liueth in a citie and beareth him felf so vpright, as neither he inferred! in- iurie to others, ne yet fufFereth wrong him selfe. If ye mew your selues so terrible, then it is to be supposed, that after ye haue re- couered your lawes and magiftrates, and be placed again in your sormer authoritie and preeminence : ye will also ordeine and ap- pointe lawes ouer vs, that mall concerne our Hues and goodes, and euery other light matter. But for this prefent I would wime you, to be contented with your sormer freedome." After the commif- (ioners had willed theim to confulte vppon some determinate aunfwere, they retourned to Rome, to make reporte to the Senate, of the peoples requestes. The Decemuiri perceiuing, that con- trarie to their expectation, no likelihode was of any perfecution, to be done vpon them, condefcended to those demaundes. Ap- pius being a man of nature cruell and malicious, meafuring the malice of others, by his owne maligne difpofition, fpake these woordes : "I am not ignoraunte what fortune is nowe imminente : for I do plainely fee that whiles weapons be deliuered to our ad- uerfaries, the combate is deferred against vs : with bloude, enuie muste be rewarded. I will not any longer delaie the time, but de- priue my selfe of the decemuirate." When the Senate was aduer- tifed by the Commiffioners, Valerius and Horatius, of the peoples aunfwere, they decreed that the Decemuiri mould be deposed, and that Q. Furius the chief bishop, mould create that plebeian Tribunes. Wherin also was enacted, that the departure of the people, and mutine of the souldiours mould be pardoned.

When these lawes were renewed, the Decemuiri went soorth, and openly in the aflemblie deposed them selues, to the great ioye and comsorte of them all. All whiche being reported to the people: both the souldiours, and the rest of the multitude, were somoned to appeare besore the commifioners, unto whom they fpake these wordes. " We now befech you al, to retourne into your countrie, to your domefticall goddes, your wiues, and children, which we trufte shal be right good, happie and profitable vnto you, and to the common wealth. But your modestie and sober be- hauiour, for that no mans grounde is violated and destroyed, con-