Page:The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 (1890).djvu/155

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Of a father that madefuite, to haue his owne sonne put to death.

THERE was a man borne in Mardus (which is a Countrie adioyning vnto Persia) called Rhacon, that had feuen children. The yong- eft of them (named Cartomes,) afflicted diners honest men with greate harmes and mifchiefes. for which cause the father began to resorme him with words, to prone if he would amend. But he litle waying the good difcipline of his father, it chaunced vpon a time that the Juftices of the countrie, repaired to the Seffions in that towne, where the father of the childe did dwell, Who taking his sonne, and binding his handes behinde him, brought him besore the Judges. To whom hee remembred by waye of accufa- tion, all the mifchiefes, which his sonne from time to time had committed, and desired the Judges, that he might be condempned to die. The Judges amazed with that requeft, would not them- selues giue fentence against him, but brought both the father and the sonne, besore Artaxerxes the king of Persia : in whose pre- fence the father ftill perfifted in the accufation of his sonne. " Why (quoth the king) canft thou finde in thy harte, that thine owne sonne mould be put to death besore thy face ? " ft Yea truly (quoth the father,) for at home in my garden, when the yong J^ac- tufe begin to growe, I cutte of the bitter and sower ftalkes from them : for pitie it were the mother Laftufe mould sustaine sorow, for those baftard and degenerate fhrubbes : which beinge taken awaye, me profpereth and encreafeth to great fweetenefle and bignes. Euen so (O kinge) if he be hanged that hurteth my whole familie, and ofTendeth the honest conuerfation of his brethren, both my selfe shalbe increafed, and the reste of my ftocke and linage {hall in like sort profper and continue." The king hearing those words, did greatly praise the wifedom of Rhacon, and chofe him to be one of his Judges, pronouncing these wordes besore the mul titude. " Hee that dare thus feuerely and iuftly pronounce fen tence vpon his owne child, doubtles he wil mew himselfe to be an incorrupt and iincere Judge vpon the offences of other." Then the kinge deliuered the yongman, from that prefente faulte, threat- ninge him with most cruell death, if after that time, he were ap prehended with like offence.

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