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The Parable of Creation.

As the regeneration of the soul is first in interest as it respects human welfare, it becomes, therefore, by right of priority, the first spiritual lesson we ought to learn. We would naturally expect to find a statement of its general phases, in the very opening chapter of the Word of God. In this, do we but view the matter aright, we will not be disappointed. The narrative of the Creation is but a parable of the regeneration. The earth is a symbol of the human mind. The statement that at the beginning all was dark and void, sets forth, in symbolic language, the mind's utter ignorance and emptiness of spiritual things before its regeneration begins. The fact that at the very outset of Creation light was flashed across the earth represents that at the very outset of regeneration, in the case of each one, light is thrown upon his mind as to the superiority of spiritual life and knowledge over that which is merely natural. The development of the firmament or natural heaven, typifies the opening of the higher or heavenly mind of spiritual observation and thought. The springing forth of grass and the growth of the fruit tree yielding fruit denote the first buddings and incipient fruitage of a good life under the more elevated principles now recognized. The setting up of the sun, moon and stars in the firmament of heaven symbolizes the elevation of love, faith and spiritual knowledge as the guiding and