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The Parable of Creation.

the Lord and his goodness and truths. Therefore we may say that the sun typifies the Lord as to love, and the moon the Lord as to faith; or we may say that the sun signifies love of the Lord, and the moon faith in the Lord. The meaning is the same. Love, in this its Divine sense, is always from the Lord and is the Lord in us. Faith is always given us by the Lord, and, in another sense, is the Lord, in us. So whether we say, love, or love to the Lord, or the Lord as our love, it is, in its radical sense, about the same. Or whether we say, faith, or faith in the Lord, or the Lord as our faith, it is, virtually, the same.

The sun signifies the Lord because that solar orb rules in the realm of nature in a manner corresponding to that in which the Lord rules in the realm of spirit. It might be said that the sun of nature is the Lord's vice-gerent in the physical planetary spheres. As the sun gives heat and light to the world of nature, the Lord gives spiritual warmth which is love, and spiritual light which is understanding to the world of the mind. As the sun causes the earth to be covered with verdure, germinates the seed, swells the bud, develops the leaf and flower and fruit, and gives life, growth and renewal to all things, so the Lord causes the mind to become clothed with the verdure of spiritual life, brings forth with his gentle influences the