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with it. Indeed it is obvious that the demonstration of the doctrine of the Trinity necessarily involves the proof of the Godhead of the Holy Ghost; and, on the other hand, we cannot completely satisfy ourselves on the doctrine of the third Person in the Holy Trinity without having regard to the relations of the Three Persons. As, however, our principal concern here is with the truth of the Divine Spirit, the general doctrine will receive somewhat brief consideration.

i. Now, in considering a doctrine so mysterious and so awful as that of the Holy Trinity in the Unity of the Godhead, we must bear in mind that we are dealing not with mathematical truth which is the subject of demonstration, nor with observed fact which can be definitely proved by testimony, but with spiritual truth which needs a certain moral and spiritual preparedness for its reception, and with a particular truth which, after being obscurely intimated, was gradually made known as men were prepared for its reception.

As regards the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, it is beyond question that it was not clearly revealed to mankind for a long period of time, whilst it is hardly possible to deny that there were certain anticipations of the doctrine in the beliefs of earlier ages. It is not difficult in some degree