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as the New, names assigned to the Holy Ghost which belong to God alone; and we shall find Divine attributes and Divine works distinctly ascribed to Him. If this is true, and if we further find sufficient testimony to assure us that He is not a mere influence proceeding from the Father, but is spoken of as possessed of the same Personality with the Father and the Son, then we are justified in asserting that no other theory of His nature and character will account for these statements but that which declares Him to be very God.

(1) Remark, in the first place, that the Name of God or Jehovah is frequently employed interchangeably with that of the Holy Spirit. Two or three examples may suffice. Thus (2 Sam. xxiii, 2) King David says: "The Spirit of the Lord spake by me," and in the next verse he adds, "The God of Israel said." In Isaiah vi. 9, we read that the voice of Jehovah said to the prophet, "Go and tell this people, hear ye indeed, but understand not" and S. Paul (Acts xxviii. 25) ascribes those words to the Blessed Spirit; "well spake the Holy Ghost by Isaiah the prophet unto your fathers," quoting the words of Isaiah. So, in the prophetic song of Zacharias we are told generally that God "spake by the mouth of His holy prophets," and, in the begin-