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Such language needs no minute analysis in order that we may ascertain its meaning. No words could express more clearly the personality of the subject concerning whom the testimony is given. Our Lord contrasts Him with Himself as "another Paraclete" a strange manner of speech if the other Paraclete were a mere influence. Then personal acts and attributes are assigned to Him: He will teach, He will bring to remembrance; when the Lord Jesus departs, He will come in His place; and he will guide into truth, and declare things to come. If such language does not signify the personality of the subject, no language could certainly do so. In the same way, the baptismal formula already quoted must be held to imply the personality of the Spirit, seeing that He is connected with the Father and the Son as co-ordinate with Them. It would be difficult indeed to imagine that we have, in these passages, merely strong personifications of an energy, power, or influence, unless we should find that such an interpretation was necessitated by other passages in the New Testament. We venture to assert that no such passages will be found.

(2) Let us pass on to the Acts of the Apostles. Early in the book we come upon the history of the sin of Ananias, and we find S. Peter charging