Page:The Parson's Handbook - 4th ed.djvu/17

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I. Holy Communion : the Elevation. (Brit. Mus. MS. Add., 16997.) Priest in scarlet chasuble, with naiTow gold Y-shaped orphreys ; deacon, kneeling, in scarlet dalmatic, with narrow gold orphreys ; sub-deacon or clerk in albe — both hold candles ; Rulers in scarlet copes with gold hoods, kneeling in midst of choir ; two boys in sleeved rochets, kneeling by lectern ; clerks in the stalls. Altar with blue frontal and upper frontal, gold frontlet ; two candles on altar, two in sconces projecting from the upper frontal, and two held by the ministers ; hanging pyx, under green canopy above the altar. (The colours in old illumina- tions offer a general guidance only. ) Fifteenth century, . 46 A Funeral. [Ibid.) Priest in gold chasuble (Y-shaped orphreys of red gold), with gold stole and apparels ; collet in cassock and hood ; clerks in surplices, one wearing a black cope, and one with almuce on his head ; mourners, some in black and some in brown cloaks and hoods. Altar on two steps, with frontal of dark blue, powdered with gold stars, reredos with the Crucifixion ; hanging pyx above the altar under white canopy ; herse-cloth of blue, figured with gold, bearing a red and gold cross ; six or more herse-lights ; rood-loft, showing the back of the Rood, with a lectern. The view is across the choir from south to north, . . 46 II. Holy Communion : the Preparation. {Exposition.) Priest in Gothic chasuble, with Latin cross, says the Confession with the clerk (in girded cassock) and people (who strike their breasts). Altar with figured frontal and ,