Page:The Parson's Handbook - 4th ed.djvu/9

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This edition contains 471 pages as against the 223 pages of the former editions, and the number of chapters has increased from eight to eighteen: it may therefore claim to be, or at least to contain, a new book. The original Parson's Handbook aimed at providing notes and suggestions only; the new Parson's Handbook attempts to supply complete directions for the conduct of all the services in a parish church, and to give both the simpler and more elaborate forms of these services.

References have been given throughout for every direction that is not a mere matter of taste or convenience. For it is most necessary to show that the English Use, set forth in these pages, is not a pretty variation of ceremonial drawn up at the caprice of the author for the benefit of those whose fancy it may take. It is the work of one who has striven to follow out logically and loyally the principles to which we are all alike committed. The references will enable every parson to consider each conclusion for himself, and to act according to his conscience, rejecting anything that he can show good reason to reject. He will then be able to give his people a sound reason for what he does, and to meet any objections by the one unfailing method of an appeal to principle.

It is indeed essential to remember that, important