Page:The Parson's Handbook - 6th ed.djvu/13

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The printing of a new edition for 1907 has afforded the opportunity for a second revision of the Parson's Handbook. A large amount of new matter has been incorporated, and the old has been carefully verified; the book now consists of 562 pages, and the illustrations have been increased from eighteen to thirty-one. In addition to the friends who are mentioned in a former preface I have to thank Dr. J. Wickham Legg and Mr. E. G. Cuthbert Atchley for their kindness in reading through the text of the Fifth Edition, and Mr. F. C. Eeles for the great labour he has ungrudgingly given. The extent of my indebtedness to the Rev. J. R. Fowler and others who have helped with the illustrations, is acknowledged on pp. xiii to xxi. To the Rev. G. O. Apthorp, who has compiled the new index, I tender sincere thanks for this and much other help.

Epiphany, 1907.


This edition contains 471 pages as against the 223 pages of the former editions, and the number of chapters has increased from eight to eighteen: it may therefore claim to be, or at least to contain, a new book. The original Parson's Handbook aimed at providing notes and suggestions only; the new Parson's Handbook attempts to supply complete directions for the conduct of all the
