Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/131

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BUTLER. 05 (4) William Paul, of BroomviUe, co. Carlow, a solicitor ; m. Henrietta, dau. of Abraham Nickson, of Munny, co. 'Wicklcw, and had wdth other issue a son, James Butler, of Broomville, j.p. sei-ved in 17th dra- goons; d. 2 Feb. 1856, having m. Maria, only dau. of Kev. Charles Charleton, vicar of Tynemouth ; she d. 18 Sept. 1873, having had 6 sous and 4 daus. [1] Williani Paul, capt. Carlow mil.; b. 13 April, 1817; d. Aug. 1861, having m. 28 Oct. 1846, Letitia Maria, dau. of John Gray, of Upton, co. Carlow, and had a son and 3 daus. Charles James Jolin,lieut. 16th regt. b. 24 Oct. 1852. — Fanny Letitia Maria. — EUzabeth Anne. — Helen WUliamina. [2] Cliarles Richard, lieut.-col. 20th regt.; d. unm. 22 Jan. 1860. [3] James Tliomas, of Castlecomer, co. Kilkenny, resident magistrate for that count.v and J.P. co. Carlow ; b. 25 June, 1825; m. 2 Aug. 1859, Adelaide Maria, youngest dau. of George Rous Keogh, Esq. of Kilbride, co. Carlow, and had 4 sons and 2 daus. Charles Richard, b. 21 June, 1860. — James Henry, b. 20 April, 1863.— Somerset Edward Molyneux, b. 13 Aug. 1867. — George Fitzwalter, b. 4 Aug. 1868. — Mary. — Emely Blanche. [4] Richard Lewis, b. [5] Eiiward Holmes, major Carlow rifles; b. [6] Anna Maria. [7] Harriet Catherine. [8] Henrietta Mary. [9] Slaria, m. 1859, to "WiUiam Gore Johnston, Esq. SIR THOMAS, 6th Baronet, m.p. co. Carlow 1761 ; m. Dorothea, only child of Ven. Edward Bayly, D.D. (M. Anoleset), archdeacon of Dublin, dean of Ariifert, &c. and had vith 4 daus. 4 sons, of whom the eldest, viz.: SIR RICHARD, 7th Baronet, m.p. co. Carlow, 1783 to 1800; b. 14 July, 1761 ; d. 16 Jan. 1817, having m. 23 Aug. 1782, Sarah Maria, only dau. of Thomas AVorth Kewenham, Esq. of Coolmore, co. Cork, and had 6 sons and 2 daus. [1] Sir Thomas, s. as 8th Baronet. [2] Richard Pierce, in H.O. b. 4 Nov. 1784 ; d. 10 Sept. 1855, having m. 13 June, 1822, Charlotte, 3rd dau. of John Graham- Clarke, Esq. of Fenham, near Xewcastle-on-Tyne, and of Sutton, York.; she d. 1835, having had an only dau. Charlotte Mart, m. 24 June, 1847, to Charles "William Re.vnolds, of Ramslade, Berks, J.P. capt. late 16th lancers, and ha.s 2 sons and 4 daus. (1) Jolin Hunter RETXOLDS, lieut. grenadier guards ; b. 18 Jan. 1854. (2) Cecil Edward, b. 5 Feb. 1857. (3) Mary Arabella Susan, m. 28 Dec. 1871, to Major Herbert Mitchell, R.A. (4) Ethel Maud. (5) Arlette Isabel. (6) Clarisse Maria Guthrie. [3] William Ai-thur, lieut. 27th foot, b. 22 Aug. 1786; d. s. p. having m. 1827, Emma, dau. of James Heseltine, Esq.; she d. 19 Xov. 1872. [4] James, of Ballybar, co. Carlow; b. 9 Nov. 1788; d. 1 Mar. 1865, having m. Elizabeth, only child of Beau- champ Bagenall HUl, Esq. ; she d. 27 Nov. 1827, having had with other issue a son and 3 daus. (1) James, of Ballybar House, Carlow; b. 4 Mar. 1826; m. 10 April, 1860, Henrietta Clara, 2nd dau. of late Capt. Charles George Butler, R.N. of Leuham Lodge (see below), and has 4 sons and a dau. James Walter, b. 12 June, 1864. — Beauchamp Chaiies, b. 3 Oct. 1865. — William Arthur, b. 21 May, 1868. — Henry Claude, b. 10 Feb. 1875.— Aniy Sarah, b. 5 May, 1863. (2) Sarah, m. Cranston, who died s. p. (3) Elizabeth, unm. (4) Emma, m. to Charles Barter, Esq. s. p. [5] Charles Gec^rge, of Lenham Lodge, co. Carlow, com. R.N.; b. 15 Oct. 1793 ; d. 1 Mar. 1867, ha^-^ng m. 28 Sept. 1830, Emily, dau. of John Bayford, Esq. of London, and has with other issue 3 sons and 3 daus. (1) John Bayford, capt. R.X. (retd.); b. 27 Aug. 1832; m. 10 Jan. 1867, Hon. Sybil Catherine Devereux, dau. of the 15th Viscount Hereford, and has 2 sons and a dau. Francis Algernon, b. 26 Jan. 1878. — Humphrey Charles, b. 19 Oct. 1880.— Nora. (2) William Charles, b. 17 Jan. 1844 ; m. July, 1877, Emily, only dau. of Henry Strettell Chadwick, Esq. and has a sou, Henry Beauchamp, b. 1 Dec. 1878. (3) Charles Arthm-, b. 10 Feb. 1846 ; m. 28 Aug. 1875, his cousin Louisa, dau. of late Richard Low, capt. 53rd regt. (4) Henrietta Clara, m. 10 April, 1860, to her cousin James Butler, Esq. of Ballybar. (5) Emily Harriet, m. 13 Dec. 1860, to David Henry Owen, Esq. and has 2 sons and 10 daus. (6) Sarah Newenham, m. 28 Ju^ly, 1873, to Francis Wilfrid Lawson, Esq. and has a son and 2 daus. Francis Wilfrid Annandale LAWSOX, b. 11 Feb. 1876.— Mary Winnifrid, twin with her brother. — Mmiel Kate. [6] Walter, capt. and brevet-major 27th Inniskilling regt.; b. 13 Nov. 1803; d. s. p. 14 Dec. 1878, having m. 9 July, 1846, Maria Louisa, dau. of Col. George Jackson, of Carramore, co. Mayo. [7] Louisa, m. to Peter Low, Esq. and has issue. [8] Henrietta, m. to Hugh Faulkner, Esq. of Fort Faulkner, and has issue. SIR THOMAS, 8th Baronet, b. 23 Oct. 1783 ; d. 9 Nov. 1861, haang m. 30 Jan. 1812, Frances, 4th dau. of John Graham- Clarke, Esq. of Fenham, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Sutton, CO. York, aforesaid ; she d. 30 Aug. 1868, having had with other issue 4 sons and 5 daus. [1] Sir Richard Pierce, s. as 9th Baronet. [2] Thomas, late 7th fusiliers, b. 23 Jlay, 1814; m. 1st— 5 May, 1840, Mary, only suri'iing dau. and heir of Henrj' Tulip, Esq. of Brunton and Warwick Hall, Northimiberland; she d. having had an onlj' son, (1) Henry Thomas, lieut.-col. 13th hussars 1878 (retd. 1880) : b. 1 May, 1842. Mr. ThoM-I-S Butler m. 2ndly— 15 Jan. 1861, Emma Eliza Bertie, dau. of Vice-Adm. Bertie Cornelius Cator (Lexxard— B.VRT.), and has a dau. (2) Laura. [3] Antoine Sloet, capt. late 7th dragoon guards, resident magistrate for Meath; b. 11 Oct. 1823; m. 1st — Sept. 1854, Mary, eldest dau. of Rev. George Hamilton Le Poer Beresford, rector of Fenagh, co. Leitrim. (B. Decies); shed. 22 Nov. 1862. He ni. 2ndly- 29 April, 1875, Ella, dau. of Rev. Joseph Stevenson, and widow of AJrthur Beresford Cane, Esq. By his 1st wife he had a son and 2 daus. (1) George Beresford, b. 13 Jan. 1857. (2) Frances Antoinette, m. 10 Dec. 1878, to George Cosby Lendrum, Esq. of Magheracross, co. Fermanagh, D.L. (3) Lam-a Mary. [4] Henry William Paget, capt. late 7th fusiliers, b. 28 April, 1831 ; m. 2 Oct. 1855, Geraldine Sydney, only dau. of Lord WiHiam Fitzgerald (D. Leixster). and has 2 sons and a dau. (1) Frederick Francis Baron, b. 25 Jan. 1861. (2) Percy Thomas, b. 17 June, 1862. (3) Mabel Howard. [5] Arabella Sarah, m. 31 May, 1835, to Ralph Allen Gosset, major-gen. serjeant-at-arms to the hoiise of commons, only son of Sir William Gosset, c.B. K.C.H. (M.P. Tnu-o, under- secretary of state for Ireland, serjeant-at-arms to the house of commons) , and has 3 sons. (1) Thomas William Butler Go.SSET, lieut.-col. r.e. assist, field engineer -with Central India field force imder Sir Hugh Rose 1858; b. 27 June, 1836; m. 3 Ma.v, 1867, Alice Lee, eld<>st dau. of Robert Cooper Lee-Bevan, Esq. and has had with other issue 2 sons and 2 daus. Allen Butler GO.SSET, b. 1 Mar. 1868.— Robert Butler, b. 20 Mar. 1869.— Agneta.— A dau. b. 7 Jan. 1879. (2) Matthew John Alfred, clerk in inland revenue office; b. 22 June, 1837 ; m. 21 Oct. 1870, Marj- Constance, dau. of David Bm-ton, Esq. of Cherry Burton, co. York; she d. 12 June, 1878, having had a son and 2 daus. Frederick John, b. 19 Ajiril, 1874. Arabella Constance. Gertrude Susan. (3) Francis Russell, of commissariat staff corps ; b. 2 June, 1849; m. 4 Jan. 1876, Mary Snell, 2nd dau. of Robert Dalglish Esq. of Kilmordinny, Dumbartonsh. and has a son b. 2 April, 1878. [6] Louisa Charlotte, m. 18 Feb. 1841, to Sir James Robert Carmichael, Bart. [7] Isabella Horatia, d. , having m. 1 Nov. 1843, as 1st wife, to Rev. Leonard Edmund Graham-Clarke, rector of Kinuersley, Hereford, and had a dau. Mary Frances, m. to Wihner, s. p. [8] Laura Mary, d. 16 April, 1845, having m. 29 Feb. 1814, to Robert Chaloner, Esq. of Guisborough, co. York, and Coolatin Park, who d. s. p. [9] Henrietta Maria, m. 19 April, 1857, to John Hedley, of Sid- brook, late 60th rifles, 2nd son of Robert HecUey, Esq. of Long Benton, Northumb. and has a son and 2 daus. Arthur Robert HEDLEY, b. 19 Jan. 1859. Ethel Arlette. Laura Frances Charlotte. SIR RICHARD PIERCE, 9th Baronet, b. 4 Mar. 1813 ; d. 22 Nov. 1862, ha-ing m. 28 May, 1835, Matilda, 2nd dau. of Thomas Cookson, Esq. of Hermitage, co. Durhan?, and had 5 sons and 3 daus. (1) Sir Thomas Pierce, 10th and present Baronet. (2) Richard Pierce, fonuerly 78th highlanders, and adjutant of Londonden-y militia; b. 30 April, 1839 ; m. 15 Nov. 1864, Florence Isabel, dau. of Hans Henry Hamilton, Esq. Q.c. of Dublin, and has 3 daus. Violet. Eva. Isabel. (3) Edmiuid, b. 20 Mar. 1843; d. unm. 18 Mar. 1873. (4) Walter Selby, major Carlow mU. 1881; b. 14 Oct. 1845. (5) Charles Robert, late 30th regt. b. 3 Mar. 1848. (6) Elizabeth Frances. (7) Emma.m. 3 Oct. 1867, to Capt. Geoffrey Joseph Shaker- ley, R.A. (BART.) (8) Matilda Constance,