Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/292

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256 QOLDNEY. GOLDXEY, Sir Gabriel, of Beechfield and Bradenstoke Abbey, Wilts. J.P. d.l. created a Baronet 11 May, 1880, mayor of Chippenham 1863, M.p. since 1865, built and endowed the church of Bradenstoke, Wilts. 186-1, lord of the manors of Chippenham, Sheldon, Lowden, Bradenstoke, Stan- ley, and rectorj^ manor of Corsham, and lay rector of Corsham, a governor and almoner of Chrisfs hos- pital, on royal commission to inquire into the Masters and Servants Acts; b. 25 July, 1813; m. 16 Sept. 1839, Maiy Anne, dau. of Richard Hay- ward Alexander, Esq. of Corsham, aforesaid, and has had 3 sons and a dau. (1) Gabriel Prior, of Exeter Coll. Oxon. bar.-at-law I.T. 1867, one of the counsel for the mint, recorder of Helstone 1876, of Poole 1879, on royal commission for Nonrich election inquiry 187.5: b. 4 Aug. 1843. (2) Frederick Hastings, mayor of Cliippenham 18(4,5; b. 26 May, 1845; m. 6 Feb. 1875, Ethel Julia, dau. of Henry James Fowle Swayne, Esq. of The Island, Wilton, Wilts, and has 2 daus. Katharine Long.— Mary Delariviere. (3) John TankervUle, of Trin. CoU. Camb. bar.-at-law I.T. 1869, attorney-gen. and admiralty advocate, Leeward Islands, 1880; b. 15 June, 1846; m. 9 Feb. 1875, Jane ilacgregor, youngest dau. of late John Laird, M.P. s.p. (4) Mary Catherine, d. 4 Aug. 1854. Arms— Per pale gu. and az., on a bend engrailed plain cottised arg. between two eagles displayed of the last three garbs sa., banded or. Crest— In front of a garb, as in the arms three cinquefoils or. Motto — Honor virtutis praemlum. SEATS— Bradenstoke Abbey, Wilts.; Beechfield, near Chippen- ham. Tows House— 27, South Street, Grosvenor Square, W. Clubs — Carlton, Conservative. Umeage. Individuals of this name have been resident at Chippenham, Wilts, since John Goldney, of Cliippenham, was appointed keeper of the king's park at Abberley, Wore, in 1485. Henry Goldney, of Bristol, was a burgess in the parliaments of Henry VI. 1421, 1425, and 1427; his wUl was proved at Bristol in 1430. About the middle of the 16th century the family of Fame- weUe, alias Golilney, appears on the borough records in tlie per- son of Henry FameweU, alias Goldney, of Chippenham, yeo- man (possibly son of Adam Famewell). Tbis Henry was ap- pointed the first bailiff of Chippenham by Q. Mary's charter of incorporation 1553, the same year in which he represented the borougli in parliament; later on, in 1609, a Gabriel FameweU, alias Goldney, of Cliippenham, was its baiUff, and the borough records before referreil to testify that he was a benefactor to the town. It is probable that he was iilentical with the Gabriel, with which this pedigree commences, viz. GABRIEL FARNEWELL, alias GOLDNEY, of Chippenham, yeoman, baiUff 1621, 1627, and 1633, recorded as a bene- factor to the town in the borough books ; bur. there 28 April, 1639, having m. 28 July, 1588, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Wrot- tesley, and had 3 sous and 2 daus. /I/ Gabriel, of whom presently. /2/ John Famewell, aUas Goldnev, of Cliippenham; bp. 2 Feb. 1596; m. 1618, Mary, ilau. of William Gale, bailiff of Chippen- ham; she d. 1653, leaving issue. His great-great-grandson, Henry Famewell alias Goldney, of Blackfriars, woollen draper, was killed by the fall of a temporary scaffolding at the execution of Lord Lovat,9 April, 1747. (See Gents. Mag. vol. xvii. p. 197.) /3/ Heiirv, d. 12 Jan. 1640, aged 43. /4/ Elizabeth, bp. 23 Mar. 1591 ; bur. 26 July, 1594. /5/ Ann, b. 1599 ; bur. 5 July, 1616. GABRIEL FARNEWELL, alias GOLDNEY of Chippenham, clotUer, baiUff 1636 and 1649; bp. 9 Oct. 1589 ; bur. 10 June, 1670, having had 6 sons and 3 daus. [1] Gabriel, of Chippenham, bailiff 1657, 1668, 1673; bur. 17 Jan. 1683; will dated 1 Nov. 1681, by which he charged certain of his lands with an annual payment for the poor inhabitants of Chippenham, which is still paid by Sir Gabriel Goldney, the owner of the estates. He m. Martha, dau. of Rev. R. Stoodly, of Staunton Barnard, Wilts ; she d. 22 Oct. 1682. [2] Thomas, of Bristol, bp. 24 Dec. 1620 ; will dated 1694 ; m. Mary Boulton, of Bristol; her wiU dated 10 June, 1709 ; had 3 sons and 2 daus. (1) Thomas, of Goldney House, Clifton, and of Bristol, a part oTier of ships " Duke " and " Dutchess," which under the command of Capt. Woodes Rogers, took Alexander Selkirk (Robinson Cnisoe) off the island of Juan Fernandez 1709, and which discovered the Straits of Magellan in the same year. His will dated 10 Jan. 1723 ; d. May 1731, having m. Martha, dau. of Thomas Speed, and had 5 sons and 7 daus. /I/ Thomas, b. 1688; d. 1699. /2/ Thomas, of Goldney House, b. 1696; d. unm. 1768; will dated 20 Dec. 1768. /3/ Joseph, b. 1699; d. 1716. /4/ Gabriel, b. and d. 1702. /5/ Gabriel, of Goldney House, b. 1704; d. s. p. 1786; will dated 7 June, 1776; m. Margaret Dickinson; she d. 29 Jan 1814. /6/ Mary, b. 1688. /7/ Hannah, b. 1689/90. /8/ Martlia, b. 1692; d. s. p. 1762, having m. to John Vauilervall, and to Champion. /9/ Melietabel.b. 1698; d. s.p. 1767, havuig m. to John Wood. /lO/ Hannah, b. 1699 ; d. s. p. 1763, having m. to Ball, /ll/ Ehzabeth, b. 1706; d. s. p. 7 April, 1764 ; will dated 12 Dec. 1763. /12/ Ann, b. 1707: d. 1796. (2) Gabriel, will dated 25 April, 1676; m. Judith, dau. of Francis Poulstead, and had a son — Gabriel, of Andover. (3) Joseph. (4) Mary, m. to James WaUis. (5) Hannah. [3] Adam, of Rowden Manor House, Chippenham; d. 1684; m. Mary [4] Jolm, of Chippenham, after of Mabnesbury, clothier ; bp. 10 Aug. 1623; m. 6 Jan. 1650, Mary, dau. of Edmund Wayte.of Mabnesbury, Wilts (she re-m. 30 Nov. 1669, to Edward Grant, of Trowbridge), and had 2 daus. (1) Margaret, bp. at Malmesbury 8 June, 1652. (2) Marv, m. to Samuel Bayly. [5] Eilward, bp. 20 Sept. 1629; m. Jane ; she d. 1689, having had a son and 2 daus. Joseph. — Elizabeth. — Susannah. [6] Henry, of whom presently. [7] AUce, bp. 6 Nov. 1626; m. to Organ. [8] Margaret, bp. 30 Dec. 1615; m. to Edward Pierce. [9] Elizabeth, bp. 4 Mar. 1617 HENRY GOLDNEY, of Chippenham, bailiff 1668 ; b. 20 May, 1633 (will dated 25) ; d. 26 July, 1684, having m. 1st, Alice, ilau. of Richard Scott ; she b. Oct. 1631, and d. s. p. April, 1670. He m. 2ndly, Ann, dau. of Joseph Holtou, Esq. and had 5 sons and 2 daus. (1) Henry, of Chippenham, and of Langley Burrell, by devise of his father, a trustee of the i]X of AV'iUiam Penn, gov. of : Pemisylvania ; bur. 25 May, 1733, having m. (settlements dated i 9 and 10 Mar. 1713) Elizabeth, dau. of George Speke, of Hazle- , bury, Wilts, and had 2 sons and 2 daus. /I/ Henry, of Whitchurch, Southampton, m. Mary /2/ George. /3/ Anne. b. 1716. /4/ Mary, b. 1717. 1 (2) Gabriel, of Chippenham ; d. 28 Jan. 1737, aged 69, will proved 5 July, 1737, having m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Webb,] of Bromham; she d. 1 April, 1746, having had a sou and 5 daus. /I/ Gabriel, of whom presently. /2/ Anna, d. 18 Feb. 1769, aged 60. /3/ Mary, d. 22 April, 1736. /4/ Jane, m. to John Bedford, of Chippenham. /5/ Sarah, d. 1711. /6/ Ehzabeth, d. 1729. (3) John, of Chippenham, a freeman 1714 ; m. Margaret, dau. of James Ashe, Esq. (4) Thomas (5) Edward, of Bristol, merchant; b. posth. 6 Feb. 1648; d- Dec. 1713, vill dated 6 Nov. 1711; m. Sept. 1709, Mary, dau.] of Levi Ames, of Charlton, Shepton Mallet, and had a son, Edward, of Bristol, printer, author of Gohhiey's Works, 3| vols. &c.; m. Joanna, dau. of Thomas Cadell, of Bristol, and j had 2 sous and 5 daus. /I/ Edward, whose dau. Anne, m. to Macdonough. /2/ Harry.