Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/382

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846 JOHXSON. RICHAED PAUL JODRELL, F.R.S. F.A.S. D.C.S. M.P. Sea- ford; b. 13 Xov. 1745; d. 26 Jan. 1831, having m. 19 May, 1772, Vertue, eldest dau. and coheir of Edward Hase, of Sail, Korfolk. above-named ; she d. 23 Mar. 1806, having had with other issue 2 sons. /I/ Sir Richard Paul Jodrell, s. as 2nd Baronet. /2/ Edward, d. 1853, having m. 9 Oct. 1812. Mary, 5th dau. of WiUiam Lo^-ndes-Stone. Esq. of Brightwell Park, Oson; she d. 10 Nov. Ib65. having had with 2 daus. 3 sons, [1] Edward, capt. 18th regt. major ^Vest Essex mil.; d. 27 Jan. 1868. ageti 54. ha-ing m. 4 JiUy. 1843, Adela Monckton, dau. of Sir Edward Bowyer-Smijth, Bart, of Hill Hall, Essex, and had 2 sons and 2 daus. (1) Edward, of Bayfield HaU, Norfolk, late 37th regt. heir presumptive to" the Baronetcy ; b. 15 Oct. 1845. (2) Alfred, b. Aug. 1847. (3) Adela. (4) Marianne, m. 5 Xov. 1868, to Major Frederick John Nash Ind. late 37th regt. [2] Henrv, M.A. Exeter CoU. Oxon. 1842. rector of Gisleham, Suffolk, siJice 1844 ; b. 1817 ; m. 19 Oct. 1843, Frances (C»untess of Cape St. Yincent), only child of Sir Charles iTapier, M.P. K.C.B. of Merchistoun, Hants (B. NAPIER), and has 5 daus. (1) Heloise Napier (eldest), m. 15 Oct. 1870, to Major David J. D. Safford, 97th regt. (2) Fanny, m. 3 June, 1879, to Henry Hope, Esq. of Marland Place. Southampton. (3) Mary Campbell (3rd dau.), m. 28 June, 1881, to Rev. PMlip Sherlock Gooch, rector of Benacres, Norfolk (Bart.) (4) Ccelia Cator (4th dau.), m. 10 July, 1872, to Rev. Lewis Richard Charles Bagot (B. Bagot), rector of East Braden- ham, Norfolk. (5) Madeleine, m. 3 Sept. 1879, to Arthur Keane Tharp, Esq. of London. [3] Sheldon, Ln H.O. ; d. unm. SIR RICHARD PAL'L JODRELL, M.A. 2nd Baronet (on the death of Sir John Lombe, unm. 27 Mav, 1817); b. 26 June, 1781; d. 14 Jan. 1861, having m. 12 Dec. 1814, Amelia Caroline King, " dau." of Robert, 2nd Earl of Kingston; she d. 18 Jan. 1860, having had 2 sons and a dan. (1) Richard Paul Hase. b. 3 Aug. 1818; d.p. 12 Nov. 1855, hav- ing m. 27 July, 1848, Lady Anna Maria Isabella Moore, dau. of Stephen, 3rd Earl of Mountcashell. She re-m. 30 April, 1856, to Col. James Herbert Freme, of Wrentnall House, Salop. (2) Sir Edward Repps, 3rd and present Baronet. (3) Amelia Tertue, m. 1 July, 1842, to Charles Fitzgerald Higgins, Esq. of Westport, co. Mayo ; he d. July, 1860, leaving an only dau. Emily Vertue Jane. m. 3 June. 1871, to Herbert Henry Churchill, Esq. of returned letter office, G.P.O. JOHNSON, Sir William George, of Twick- enham, Middlesex (1 755, G.B.), late E.A.; s. his uncle as 4th Baronet in 1843 ; b. 19 Dec. 1830; heir presumptive, his bro- ther Charles. ARMS — Arg. two lions counter-rampant support- ing a dexter hand gu. in chief three estoUes of the last and in base a salmon naiant in water ppr. CREST — A hand gu. the wri^t encircled with a ducal coronet or, grasping a sword ppr. Motto — Nee aspera ter- rent. himself during the first American war, settled on the Mohawk river and acquired a considerable estate; he concluded a treaty vith the Senecas (one of the revolted tribes of the Iro- quois) at his house (Johnson's Hall, province of New York), i 3 April, 1764, being then his Majesty's sole agent and super- ! intendent of Indian affairs for the northern parts of America and col. of the six United Nations, their allies and dependants,

was created a Baroxet 27 Nov. 1755
d. 11 July, 1774, leaving

, by Catherine Wisenberg, his ^vife, a son, SIR JOHN, 2nd Baronet, of Mount Johnson, Montreal, superintendent-gen. and inspector-gen. of Indian afiairs ! in British America, col. in chief of the militia of Eastern I Township of Lower Canada ; knighted 22 Nov. 1765; d. 4 Jan. 1830. having m. 30 June, 1773, Mary, dau. of John Watts, Esq. I president of the council of New "Tork ; she d. 17 Aug. 1815, I having had with other issue 6 sons and 2 daus. ri] WiUiam. lieut.-col. b. 21 Aug. 1775; d. 11 Jan. 1812, having m. Sept. 1802, Susan, dau. of Stephen de Lancy, governor of Tobago ; she d. 22 Aug. 1832, having (re-m. 16" Dec. 1815, to Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe, K.C.B. G.C.M.G. and had issue) had (by 1st marriage) an only survi^-ing dau. Charlotte m. 27 April, 1820, to Alexander, Count Balmain, Russian commissioner at St. Helena. [2] Sir Adam Gordon, 3rd Baronet, lieut.-col. 6th battalion militia; b. 5 May, 1781 ; d. unm. 21 May, 1843. [3] John, of Point OUvier, Montreal, col. com. 6th battalion militia; b. 8 Aug. 1782; d. 23 June, 1841, ha^-ing m. 10 Feb. 1825, Mary Diana, dau. of Richard DiUon, Esq. of Montreal; she d. 22 Oct. 1861, having had 4 sons and 4 daus. (1) Sir "William George, 4th and present Baronet. (2) Charles, capt. Madras art. (retd.), heir presumpti've to the Baronetcy ; b. 4 Feb. 1833, unm. (3) James Stephen, lieut. 14th regt.; b. 5 Mar. 1836; d. unm. 26 Sept. 1870. (4) Archibald Kennedy, b. 20 June, 1839; d. 6 Oct. 1873, having m. his cousin, Catherine Sophia, dau. of Charles MacDonnell. Esq. and had a son and dau. Edward Gordon, b. 17 Mar. 1867. — Mary Florence. (5) Maria Diana. (6) Anne Margaret. (7) Eliza Theresa, d. unm. 28 Sept. 1867. (8) Mary Anne. [4] James Stephen, capt. 28th regt.; b. 30 Jan. 1785; fell at Badajoz. 5 April, 1785. [5] Charles Christopher, seigneur of Argenteuil, Canada East, 17th light dragoons and 85th regt., Q.M.G. Athlone and Kilkenny districts 1845 53 ; b. 29 Oct. 1789 ; d. 30 Sept. 1854, having m. 8 Jan. 1818, Susan, dau. of Eear-Adm. Sir Edward Griffith- Colpoys, of Northbrook House, Hants.; she d. 23 Feb. 1875, having had with other issue 2 sons and 2 daus. (1) John Ormsby, vice-adm. R.X. ; b. 11 Aug. 1822; d. 26 Feb. 1881, having m. 17 Feb. 1852, Edith Renira, dau. of Rev. Charles Edward Twyford, rector of Eotton, Sussex, and had 4 sons and 6 daus. /I/ Frederick Colpoys Ormsby, b. 19 Oct. 1858.-/2/ Robert "Warren, b. 10 May, 1868.-/3/ Guy Delancy. b. 15 Jan. 1870. /4/ Alexander Adair, b. 5 Feb. 1873.-/5/ Edith Twyford. /6/ (Jeorgina Ormsby. /7/ Renira Louisa, d. 7 Sept. 1881, having m. 23 Feb. 1881, to "William Henry Forbes Taylor, lieut. Rjt. (only son of late Surgeon-Gen. "WiUiam Baker Tavlor). /8/ Anna EmUy Ormsby. /9/ Ruth Ormsby. /lO/ Teresa Katherine. (2) Edward Colpovs, late missionarv at Jessore. formerly lieut. 99th regt. ; b. 11 Aug. 1835 ; "m. 1st— 25 Aug. 1863, Barbara, eldest dau. of Rev. James "Williamson ; she d. 12 Julv, 1869, leaving an only son. /"l/ Charles Adair, b. July, 1864. E. C. JOHKSOS m. 2ndly— 17 Dec. 1874, Ada Olivia, dau. of Edward Pinto (?), and has 2 sons and a dau. /2/ John Colpoys, b. 14 Sept. 1875.-/3/ Hubert Colpoys, b. 7 Feb. 1878.-/4/ Lillian Ada. (3) Maria Bowes, d. s. p. 20 Mar. 1871, having m. 18 June, 1867. to Rev. "WUliam Bell Christian, of Ewanrigg Hall, Cumb. and Milntown, Isle of Man. (4) Mary Anne Susan, m. 31 April, 1863, to Henrj- Eraser Curwen, of Workington Hall, Cumb. bar.-at-law, served in the Crimea with 56th regt. and has 2 sons and 4 daus. Edward Darcv CCRWEn. b. 26 Aug. 1864.— Alan de Lancy, b. 21 July. Ib69.— Lucy ilabel.— Ethel Maria.— Henrietta Frances. — Marv Susan Geraldine. [6] Arcliibald Kennedy, b. 18 Dec. 1792; d. 8 Oct. 1866, having m. 13 Sept. 1818, Maria Johnson, dau. of Patrick Langon, Esq. of Montreal. [7] Anne. d. 31 Jan. 1848, having m. Dec. 1797, to CoL Edward Maodonneil, D.Q.M.G. Canada, who d. 30 Oct. 1812. [8] Catherine Maria, d. 5 Feb. 1850, having m. 15 April, 1805, to Major-Gen. Barnard Foord Bowes, who fell at Salamanca, 23 June, 1812. Hincagr. SIR AVILLIAM JOHN-SON, sometime of Fort Johnson and afterwards of Johnson's HaU (nephew of Sir Peter Warren, K.B. grandson of Christopher Johnson, of Smith- town. CO. Meath, by Anna, dau. of Michael Warren, of Warrenstown, co. Meath), gen. in the armv, distinguished I