Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/707

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WOLSELEY. C71 W OLSELEY, Sir Clement James, of Mount Wolseley, co. Carlow, J.P. (1744, I.), bar.- at-law M.T. 1860, Irish bar. 1863, major King's CO. mil.; s. bis brother as 7th Ba- ronet in 1874; b. 25 July, 1837; m. 12 Sept. 1872, Constance Louisa, eldest dau. of Major - Gen. Robert Parker Radcliife, B.A, and granddau. and coheir of Col, Sir John Head Brydges, Knt. capt. of Sand- gate Castle, and his -wife Isabella, dau. of George, Marquis of Waterford; heir presumptive, his cousin John, dean of Kildare. Arms — Arg. a talbot passant gu. a crescent for difference. JIOTTO — Mors mihi vita est. Seat— Mount ^Volseley, Tullow, co. Carlow. Eineaflp. SIE EICHAED WOLSELEY, of Mount Wolseley (formerly Mount Arrow), co. Carlow, M.p. (youngest brother of Sir William Wolseley, 5th Baronet, see preceding article), created a Baronet OFIrELAJND 19 Jan. 1744; d. April, 1768, having m. May, 1727, Alicia, 4th dau. of Sir Thomas Molyneui, Bart. of Castle Dillon, co. Armagh (and widow of William, youngest son of Sir John Eogerson, Knt.), and had 3 sons and a dau. (1) Sir Eichard, 2nd Baronet ; d. 28 July, 1781, having m. Letitia, only dau. and heir of Anthony Marlay, of Celbridge, CO. Kildare, bar.-at-law, commissioner of appeals (who was brother of Eichard, bishop of Waterford, sons of Sir Thomas Marlay, lord chief justice K.B. Ireland, who was brother of George, bishop of Waterford), and had a son and dau. /I/ Sir William, 3rd Baronet; d. unm. 30 Aug. 1819. /2/ Matilda, d. 1821, liaving m. 1790, to her cousin Clement, youngest son of Clement Wolseley, next mentioned. (2) Clement of Wolseley Bridge, col. in the army; d. 1811, having m. Catherine, dau. of Very Rev. Arthur St. George (BART.), dean of Eoss, and had 4 sons. /I/ Sir Eichard, 4th Baronet, in H.O.; b. 15 June, 1760; d. s. p. 3 May, 1852, having m. 1st — 1786, Mary Anne, dau. of Rev. Jeremiah Symes, of Ballybeg, co. Wicklow; she d. . He m. 2ndly — Mary, dau. of WiUiam Richard Middlemore, Esq. of Grantham, co. Line; slie d. . He m. Srdly — Elizabeth, dau. of William Smith, of Golden Bridge House, co. Dublin ; she d. 15 July, 188U, aged 84. /2/ John Eogerson, major in the army, m. Mary, dau. of Arthur Baillie, of Kilbridge, co. (?arlow, major Carlow mil. and had a son ami 3 daus. [1] Sir Clement, s. as 5th Baronet. [2] Catherine, d. unm. [3] Wilhelmine, m. 22 Sept. 1821, to Thomas Belmore St. George, Esq. of Esker, co. Kilkenny, bar.-at-law (BART.); he d. 14 Jan. 1863. [4] Mary Joan,m. to Eev. James Alexander Emerton, T).D. of HanweU Hoiise, Midd.v. and has a son, Wolseley Partridge Emertox, b. 7 Xov. 1843. /3/ Arthur, served in the American war, retired as lieut. f. p. bom about 1773; d. 28 May, 1842, having m. 1800, Jane, dau. of David Griffiths, Esq. of Tregarron, Cardigan; she d. 1 Dec. 1843, having had 2 sons and a dau. [1] John, dean of Kildare, heir presumptive to the Baronetcy ; b. 9 June, 1803 ; m. 13 Oct. 1832, Anne, only dau. of John Maunsell, of Portarhngton, (Jueen's co. bar.-at-law; she d. s. p. 14 Dec. 1860. [2] David, b. 17 April, 1804 ; d. s. p. 3 June, 1876, having m. 1st, Jane, dau. of Abraham Peters, of Towyu, co. Monmouth. He m. 2ndly, Bridget Dorothy, dau. of William Hughes, of Llanfihangel, co. Cardigan. He m. 3rdly— 16 April, 1873, Ann EUza, dau. of Edward Edwards, Esq. of Chirk, co. Denbigh. [3] Mary Anne, d. 18 Jan. 1875, having m. 23 Nov. 1831, to Eev. Thomas Lewis, rector of Manavon, co. Montgomery; he d. 12 Jan. 1872, leaving ^-ith 3 daus. an only son, Thomas Wolseley Lewis, m.a. Jesus CoU. Oxou. 1861, second master Cheltenham College (iunior depart- ment); b. 18 Jan. 1836; m. 16 June, 1864."Emily Alicia, only dau. of Thomas Boweu, Esq. of Welshpool and Tvddvn, co. Montgomen, and has 3 sons and 2 daus. 'Arthiu- Boweu Wolse'ley Lewis, b. 23 Sept. 1866.— Herbert, b. 29 Nov. 1868.— Frank Thomas, b. 4 Dec. 1872.— Mary.— Gertrude Emily. /4/ Clement, of AVeston, co. Meath; d. 1809, having m. 1790, iiis cousin Matilda, dau. of Sir Eichard Wolseley, 2nd Baronet; she d. 1820, having had a son, Eev. Clement Wolseley, of Sandbrook, co. Carlow; m. Maria, only dau. of Francis Fetherstonhaugh, Esq. of Whiterock, co. Longford (FETHERSTOX— Bart.); she d. 1864, having had 2 sons and 4 daus. [1] William Clement, d. s. p. [2] Eichard Francis, d. unm. 1865. [3] Marie Madeline, m. to John William Lambert, Esq. [4] Emily Catherine, m. to Ambrose Cox, Esq. of Clara, King's CO. J.P. D.L.; he d. 1863, leaving issue. [5] MatOda. [6] Clementina, m. 1867, to George Hamilton Evans, capt. S. Devon mil. and has an only dau. Edith Wolseley EVASS. (3) William, rector of TuUycorbet and Clontebert, formerly capt. 8th hussars, serverl during the Seven Years' war, took a standard at Dettingen; d. 1800: having m. Jane, only child of Samuel Hulbert, of Cosham, Wilts, and had with 8 daus. 6 sons, /I/ WiUiam, rector of Glename and Dunaghy, b. d. having m. Winifred, dau. of CadwaUader Edwards, Esq. of Ballahire, co. Wexford; she d. having had 4 sons, [1] CadwaUader, archdeacon of Glendalough, and rector of St. Andrew's, Dublin; b. 12 Feb. 1806; d. 4 Nov. 1872, having m. Oct. 1833, Anna Maria, dau. of Isaac D'OUer, secretary to the board of first fruits (ecclesiastical com- missioners) ; she d. 28 Nov. 1870, having had 2 sons and a dau. (1) WUliam CHiarles, major 6th regt.; b. Dec. 1835; d. 28 Dec. 1878, having m. 10 JiUy. 1869. his cousin, Annie, dau. of Eev. C'apel Wolseley. and had 2 sons and 2 daus. Capel Charles, b. 24 Aug." 1870.— Herbert CadwaUader, b. 1.5 May, 1876. — AUce Mary. — Winefrid Amice. (2) Ca<lwaUader Brooke, b. 9 April, 1845; m. 12 Jan. 1871, Katie Maria, dau. of Thomas Edward Beatty, il.u. and has a sou and dau. Eeginald Beatty, b. 31 Jan. 1872.— Winifred Katie. (3) Theodosia, d. unm. 28 Feb. 1877. [2] WiUiam, of Dublin, banker, t-win with CadwaUader, b. 12 Feb. 1806: d. s.p. having m. Marcia Daly. [3] Charles, of Demerara, planter; b. 12 Nov. 1809; m. 19 April, 1859, Margaret, dau. of Thomas Fitzgerald, of Kilberry Lodge, co. Kildare. and has a son and 3 daus. WiUiam Augustus, b. 19 April, 1865. — Jane Josepliine. — Meta. — Anna. [4] Capel, B.A. Trin. CnU. DubUn, 1838, rector of "Sac Trin," Salford. since 1876. formerly incumbent of Lissadill, CO. SUgo, &c.; b. 10 Oct. 1814: m."l6 Dec. 1847, Ann Jane, dau. of Procter, of Dublin, and has a son and 2 daus. (1) William Owen, surgeon in the army: b. 4 April. 1854. (2) Annie, m. 10 .July, 1869, to her cousin Major WiUiam Charles Wolseley, 6th regt. aforesaid, who d. 28 Nov. 1878. (3) Amy Louisa. /2/ Henry Hulbert, rector of Saintfield, m. and d. s. p. /3/ Charles, rector of TuUycorbet, m. and d. s. p. /4/ John, M.D. manned and had 2 sons and 2 daus. [1] Eobert (deceased), married. [2] Eichard, married, represented by WiUiam Eichard Wolseley, of the land e.=tates court, Ireland, and John St. George Wolseley, major Cheshire regt.; b. 19 Dec. 1839. [3] Maria (deceased) married (liusband deceased). [4] Catherine, m. to Francis Fetherstonliaugh, of White- rock, CO. Longford (Fetherstox— Bart.), and had an only dau. — Maria (see above). /5/ Garnet Joseph, major 25th (K.O. borderers) regt. ; b. d. having m. Frances Anne, dau. of WiUiam Smith, of Golden Bridge House, co, Dublin, and h ad 4 sonsaud 3 daus. [1] Sir Garnet Joseph, g.C.b. g.C.M.G. lieut.-gen. in the army, a.g. 1882, Q.M.G. at head-quarters 1880 2, served with 80th regt. in Burmah 1853, when severely wounded in the thigh, served with 90th regt. in Cruiiea and severely wounded, D.A.Q.M.U. 1855. K.L.H.M. embarked with 90th regt. for China 1857, wrecked on his voyage off Sumatra, on arrival at Singapore despatched to scene of Indian Mutiny, greatly distinguished himself at the relief of the residency of Lucknow, where he led an assault, also at defence of Ahmibagh, D.A.Q.M.G. India and China 1860. a.Q.m g. Canada 1861 2. D.Q.M.G. 18G7 70. coumianded Eed Eiver expedition 1870, a..G. head-qu.irters 1871 3, commanded Ashantee exijeditionary force 1874, and for his services received the thanks of parliament and a grant of £25,000, inspector-gen. auxiUary forces 1874 6. commissioner to Natal 1875, member of Indian council 1876 8, hiph com- missioner and commander-iu-cliief of the Island of Cyprus 1878 9, governor of Natal and the Transvaal, high"com- missioner and commander-in-chief in those colonies and in