Page:The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories.djvu/130

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in the room followed her example, and in the course of a few days they all lay-in; so that the state bed brought forth a little bed, the chest a pretty little box, the chairs pretty little babies' chairs, the table a little table, and the pitcher brought forth a little jug, so pretty that it was quite a pleasure to look upon.

When the heart was drest, the queen had no sooner tasted it than she felt the effects, and in a few days she and the young lady brought forth at the same time each of them a son, so like the one to the other that nobody could tell which was which. And the boys grew up together in such love for one another that they could not be parted for a moment; and their attachment was so great that the queen began to be jealous, at seeing her son testify more affection for the son of one of her servants than he did for herself, and she knew not in what way to remove this thorn from her eyes.

Now one day the prince wished to go a-hunting with his companion; so he had a fire lighted in a fireplace in his chamber, and began to melt lead to make balls; and being in want of I know not what, he went himself to look for it. Meanwhile the queen came in to see what her son was about, and finding nobody there but Canneloro, the son of the maiden, she thought to put him out of the world. So stooping down she flung the hot bullet-mould at his face, which hit him over the brow