Page:The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories.djvu/165

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her, they lowered her into the garden; but no sooner did she reach the ground, than they let go the rope. It happened that just at that time the ogre came out to take a look at his garden; and having caught cold from the dampness of the ground, he gave such a tremendous sneeze, with such a noise and explosion, that Violet screamed out with terror, "O mother, help me!" Thereupon the ogre turned round, and seeing the beautiful maiden behind him, he received her with the greatest kindness and affection; and treating her as his own daughter, he gave her in charge to three fairies, bidding them take care of her, and rear her up on cherries.

The prince, no longer seeing Violet, and hearing no news of her, good or bad, fell into such grief, that his eyes became swollen like a bladder, his face grew pale as ashes, his lips livid, and he neither ate a morsel to get flesh on his body, nor slept a wink to get any rest to his mind. But trying all possible means, and offering large rewards, he went about spying and inquiring everywhere, until at last he discovered where Violet was. Then he sent for the ogre, and told him that, finding himself ill (as he might see was the case), he begged of him permission to spend a single day and night in his garden, adding that a small chamber would suffice for him to repose in. Now, as the ogre was a subject of