Page:The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories.djvu/218

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country!" and a thousand other words of affection. But as he was going up the stairs, his mother met him half-way, and embraced and kissed him, saying, "My son, my jewel, the apple of my eye, where have you been? how is it you have stayed away so long, to make us all die with anxiety?" The prince knew not what to answer, for he did not wish to tell her his misfortunes; but no sooner had his mother kissed him with her poppy lips, than, owing to the curse of the ogress, all that had passed went from his memory. Then the queen told her son that, to put an end to his going to the chase and wasting his life in the woods, she wished to have him married. "Well and good," replied the prince; "I am ready and prepared to do all that my lady mother desires."—"Spoken like a blessed son!" answered the queen. So it was settled that within four days they should lead home to him the bride, who was a lady of distinction just arrived in that city from the country of Flanders; and thereupon a great feasting and banquets were held.

But meanwhile Filadoro, seeing that her husband stayed away so long, and hearing (I know not how) of the feast, the news of which had spread everywhere far and wide, waited in the evening till the servant-lad of the inn had gone to bed; and then taking his clothes from the head of the bed, she left her own in their place; and disguising herself like a man, she went to the court