Page:The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories.djvu/261

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and immediately despatched a party of armed men, foot and horse, to overtake Moscione and his friends. But Quickear, who had heard this counsel, informed his comrades; and while the dust was rising to the sky from the trampling of those who were coming to unload the rich cargo, Blowblast, seeing that things were come to a bad pass, began to blow at such a rate, that he not only made the enemies fall flat on the ground, but he sent them flying more than a mile distant, as the north wind does folks who pass through that country. So without meeting any more hindrance, Moscione arrived at his father's house, where he shared the booty with his companions, since, as the saying goes, a good deed deserves a good meed. So he sent them away content and happy; but he stayed with his father, rich beyond measure, and saw himself an ass laden with gold, not giving the lie to the saying,

"Heaven sends biscuits to him who has no teeth."

No sooner was this story ended, than, according to the command of the Prince, Giallaise and Cola Jacovo, one the cook and the other the butler of the Court, made their appearance, clad in the old Neapolitan dress,