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tosmalto to return, she sent down into the courtyard to see whether he were speaking with any one there; then she sent up on to the roof, to see if he had gone to take fresh air; but finding him nowhere, she directly imagined that, on account of his great beauty, he had been stolen from her. So she ordered the usual proclamations to be made; but at last, as no tidings of him were brought, she formed the resolution to go all the world over in search of him; and dressing herself as a poor girl, she set out on her way. After some months she came to the house of a good old woman, who received her with great kindness; and when she had heard Betta's misfortune, she took compassion on her, and taught her three sayings: the first was, "Tricche varlacche, the house rains!" the second, "Anola tranola, the fountain plays!" the third, "Scatola matola, the sun shines"—telling her to repeat these words whenever she was in trouble, and they would be of good service to her.

Betta wondered greatly at this present of chaff; nevertheless she said to herself, "He who blows into your mouth[1] does not wish to see you dead, and the plant that strikes root does not wither; everything has its use; who knows what good fortune may be contained in these words?" So saying, she thanked the old woman, and set out upon her way. And after a long journey she

  1. To restore breath to a person.